Pronouns Before Gerunds & Infinitives: Proper Complementation with Transitive Verbs

Both infinitives and gerunds can function as the subject and complement of a sentence. When an infinitive or gerund serves as the subject, it is usually used without any other word. However, when they function as a complement, they often require other parts of speech. Some specific transitive verbs require an indirect object (usually a person) followed by the infinitive to complete a sentence. The specific verbs are:

  • allow
  • ask
  • beg
  • convince
  • expect
  • instruct
  • invite
  • order
  • persuade
  • prepare
  • remind
  • urge
  • want
  • permit
  • promise

If the complements of these verbs are infinitives, they must be followed by an indirect object (a person) in the form of a noun or object pronoun.


  • Incorrect: You allowed him going there after what he has done!
  • Correct: You allowed him to go there after what he has done!
  • Incorrect: He asked me helping him in this project.
  • Correct: He asked me to help him in this project.
  • Incorrect: I did not beg her giving me her number.
  • Correct: I did not beg her to give me her number.
  • Incorrect: He convinced me working with the president.
  • Correct: He convinced me to work with the president.
  • Incorrect: John expects you staying in that hotel.
  • Correct: John expects you to stay in that hotel.
  • Incorrect: I instructed him talking with her.
  • Correct: I instructed him to talk with her.
  • Incorrect: I urge you going there.
  • Correct: I urge you to go there.
  • Incorrect: He invited me coming to his town.
  • Correct: He invited me to come to his town.
  • Incorrect: He ordered me bringing the keys for him.
  • Correct: He ordered me to bring the keys for him.
  • Incorrect: My father permitted me going to the pilgrimage.
  • Correct: My father permitted me to go to the pilgrimage.
  • Incorrect: He persuaded me using the smartphone.
  • Correct: He persuaded me to use the smartphone.
  • Incorrect: I have prepared her living in the real world.
  • Correct: I have prepared her to live in the real world.
  • Incorrect: I promised him reaching there on time.
  • Correct: I promised him to reach there on time.
  • Incorrect: He wants me being the best batsman in the team.
  • Correct: He wants me to be the best batsman in the team.
  • Incorrect: He reminded me completing the task.
  • Correct: He reminded me to complete the task.

However, other transitive verbs can be followed by a gerund as a complement, but it must be preceded by a possessive adjective. Therefore, pronouns can come before a gerund in the form of a possessive.

Grammar Lab

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