Poststructuralism: Challenging Meaning and Authorship

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Poststructuralism remains an elusive concept, with varied interpretations and discussions, complicating our understanding of the world to the extent that it defies a singular definition. Some view it as a continuation of structuralism, while others see it as a reaction against it. In reality, poststructuralism aligns with both views and neither simultaneously. Poststructuralism emerges as a reactionary movement against structuralism. While structuralism seeks to uncover a common and central meaning in texts through linguistic analysis, poststructuralists also analyze language to find meaning but reject the notion of a universal or centralized interpretation. Poststructuralism denies the centrality of meaning by arguing that the significance of a sign may vary across cultures, eradicating the idea of a universal truth. For example, the word "apple" can signify a fruit to some and a phone to others. The color white may represent mourning in some cultures and happiness in others.…
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