On Aging, Maya Angelou: Summary & Analysis

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"On Aging" by Maya Angelou is a poignant reflection on the experience of growing older and the misconceptions that others might have about the process. Through a strong and assertive tone, the poem challenges stereotypes and societal attitudes towards aging, emphasizing the continued vitality and self-awareness of individuals as they age.

On Aging by Maya Angelou

When you see me sitting quietly,
Like a sack left on the shelf,
Don’t think I need your chattering.
I’m listening to myself.
Hold! Stop! Don’t pity me!
Hold! Stop your sympathy!
Understanding if you got it,
Otherwise I’ll do without it!
When my bones are stiff and aching,
And my feet won’t climb the stair,
I will only ask one favor:
Don’t bring me no rocking chair.
When you see me walking, stumbling,
Don’t study and get it wrong.
‘Cause tired don’t mean lazy
And every goodbye ain’t gone.
I’m the same person I was back then,
A little less hair, a little less chin,
A lot less lungs and much less wind.
But ain’t I lucky I can still breathe in.


"On Aging" is a defiant and assertive declaration against common misconceptions about aging. The poem portrays the speaker's determination to be understood on their own terms, without the assumptions or pity of others. It challenges stereotypes related to aging, emphasizing that personal understanding is valued more than external sympathy.

Critical Analysis

"On Aging" captures the speaker's firm stance on how they wish to be perceived as they grow older. The opening lines convey the speaker's preference for introspection and self-listening, rather than engaging in unnecessary chatter. This signifies a desire for self-discovery and self-awareness even in solitude.

The refrain "Hold! Stop!" conveys a commanding tone, emphasizing the speaker's agency and autonomy. The repetition of "Hold! Stop!" in both the first and second stanzas underscores the idea that the speaker does not seek pity or unwanted sympathy. Instead, they seek understanding from those who genuinely comprehend their experience.

The poem challenges the stereotype that aging means becoming weak or dependent. The rejection of the "rocking chair" symbolizes the speaker's refusal to be confined by societal expectations of what an older person should do or enjoy. The lines "‘Cause tired don’t mean lazy / And every goodbye ain’t gone" highlight the complex emotional and physical realities of aging.

The closing lines encapsulate the central message of the poem. The speaker acknowledges the physical changes that come with age but emphasizes their gratitude for the ability to still breathe. This perspective reflects a celebration of life and resilience in the face of aging.

Themes of the Poem

  • Aging and Autonomy: The poem challenges stereotypes about aging, emphasizing the speaker's agency and self-awareness as they navigate the process.
  • Identity and Perception: The poem explores how individuals wish to be perceived and understood as they age, resisting pity and misconceptions.
  • Resilience: The poem celebrates the speaker's resilience and gratitude for life, even in the face of physical changes.

Stylistic Analysis

  • Tone: The poem's assertive and commanding tone reinforces the speaker's determination to control how they are perceived.
  • Repetition: The repetition of "Hold! Stop!" and other phrases adds emphasis to key points and contributes to the poem's rhythm.


  • Empowerment: The speaker's assertive stance conveys a sense of empowerment and confidence in defining their own experience of aging.
  • Gratitude: The closing lines express gratitude for the ability to continue experiencing life, despite the challenges of aging.


  • Direct Language: The poem uses direct and straightforward language to convey the speaker's unapologetic attitude towards aging.
  • Metaphorical Language: The metaphor of the "rocking chair" symbolizes societal expectations of aging and the speaker's rejection of those limitations.

Sound Devices

  • Rhythm: The poem's rhythm contributes to its assertive and commanding tone, reflecting the speaker's determination to be heard.
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