Nurse’s Song (Experience), William Blake: Summary & Analysis

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In "Nurse’s Song" from William Blake's Songs of Experience , the poet presents a reflective and poignant portrayal of the passage of time and the contrast between the joys of youth and the responsibilities of adulthood. The poem is delivered from the perspective of a nurse who watches children playing on the green and recalls her own youthful days. The nurse's emotions shift from nostalgia to a sense of concern as she sees the children wasting their time in play. Nurse’s Song by William Blake When voices of children are heard on the green, And whisperings are in the dale, The days of my youth rise fresh in my mind, My face turns green and pale. Then come home, my children, the sun is gone down, And the dews of night arise; Your spring and your day are wasted in play, And your winter and night in disguise. Critical Analysis "Nurse’s Song" reflects the contrasting emotions of nostalgia and the realization of the passage of time. The poem captures the tension betw…
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