Nobody Knows This Little Rose, Emily Dickinson: Summary & Analysis

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"Nobody Knows This Little Rose" by Emily Dickinson delves into the delicate existence of a small rose and its significance in the grand tapestry of nature. Through its exploration of unnoticed beauty and the fleeting nature of life, the poem contemplates the impact of small, overlooked things in the world. Nobody Knows This Little Rose Nobody knows this little rose; It might a pilgrim be, Did I not take it from the ways, And lift it up to thee! Only a bee will miss it; Only a butterfly, Hastening from far journey, On its breast to lie. Only a bird will wonder; Only a breeze will sigh; Ah! little rose, how easy For such as thee to die! Summary "Nobody Knows This Little Rose" portrays the unnoticed existence of a small rose that might have gone unnoticed had it not been picked and presented. The speaker contemplates the insignificance of the rose in the eyes of the world. It is a flower that only a bee, butterfly, bird, or breeze would miss, each in their unique way. …
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