My Wheel Is in the Dark, Emily Dickinson: Summary & Analysis
In "My Wheel Is in the Dark!" Emily Dickinson delves into themes of uncertainty, the cyclical nature of life, and the mystery of existence. Through evocative language and imagery, the poem presents a contemplative exploration of life's journey, often undertaken without clear sight or understanding. The poem's metaphors of a spinning wheel, a tide, and various paths serve as metaphors for life's uncertainties, choices, and eventual outcomes. My Wheel Is in the Dark!
My Wheel is in the dark.
I cannot see a spoke -
Yet know it's dripping feet
Go round and round.
My foot is on the tide -
An unfrequented road
Yet have all roads
A "Clearing" at the end.
Some have resigned the Loom -
Some - in the busy tomb
Find quaint employ.
Some with new - stately feet
Pass royal thro' the gate
Flinging the problem back, at you and I.
Summary "My Wheel Is in the Dark!" by Emily Dickinson is a contemplation on life's journey and uncertainties. The poem e…