My Wheel Is in the Dark, Emily Dickinson: Summary & Analysis

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In "My Wheel Is in the Dark!" Emily Dickinson delves into themes of uncertainty, the cyclical nature of life, and the mystery of existence. Through evocative language and imagery, the poem presents a contemplative exploration of life's journey, often undertaken without clear sight or understanding. The poem's metaphors of a spinning wheel, a tide, and various paths serve as metaphors for life's uncertainties, choices, and eventual outcomes.

My Wheel Is in the Dark!

My Wheel is in the dark.
I cannot see a spoke -
Yet know it's dripping feet
Go round and round.
My foot is on the tide -
An unfrequented road
Yet have all roads
A "Clearing" at the end.
Some have resigned the Loom -
Some - in the busy tomb
Find quaint employ.
Some with new - stately feet
Pass royal thro' the gate
Flinging the problem back, at you and I.


"My Wheel Is in the Dark!" by Emily Dickinson is a contemplation on life's journey and uncertainties. The poem employs metaphorical language to convey the speaker's experience of navigating an unknown path, symbolized by a spinning wheel in darkness and a foot on an unfrequented road. The poem suggests that despite the obscurity and challenges of life's journey, there is a sense of purpose and clarity that emerges at the end of every path. The poem also explores various approaches individuals take toward life's mysteries, from resignation to the quest for understanding.

Critical Analysis

"My Wheel Is in the Dark!" showcases Emily Dickinson's skill in using metaphors to convey complex ideas about existence and the human experience. The poem's central metaphor of a spinning wheel in the dark serves as a symbol of life's journey, where the destination is uncertain and the path is obscured. The image of "dripping feet" going "round and round" implies an ongoing, cyclical movement, reminiscent of life's repetitive nature.

The comparison of the speaker's "foot" being "on the tide" to an "unfrequented road" suggests the idea of venturing into uncharted territories, facing the unknown, and embracing uncertainties. Despite the unfamiliarity of the path, the notion that "all roads / A 'Clearing' at the end" implies a sense of purpose and eventual clarity, even if that clarity is attained only at the culmination of one's journey.

The poem shifts to describe different approaches individuals take to the uncertainties of life. Some have "resigned the Loom," potentially alluding to those who have accepted their place in life's weaving, indicating a sense of surrender or resignation to fate. The mention of those in the "busy tomb" finding "quaint employ" reflects a different perspective, where individuals occupy themselves with mundane tasks as a distraction from life's uncertainties.

The final stanza introduces the idea of those who approach life with "new - stately feet" and "Pass royal thro' the gate." This imagery suggests individuals who confront life's challenges and mysteries with determination and a regal demeanor. The phrase "Flinging the problem back, at you and I" adds an element of shared experience, implying that the mysteries and challenges faced by one are reflective of the broader human condition.


  • Uncertainty and Mystery: The central theme of the poem is the uncertainty and mystery that surround life's journey. The metaphor of the dark spinning wheel and the unfrequented road encapsulates the idea that life's path is often obscure and full of unknowns.
  • Clarity and Purpose: Despite the uncertainties, the poem suggests that there is a sense of clarity and purpose that emerges at the end of every path. The concept that "all roads / A 'Clearing' at the end" implies that even in the midst of obscurity, there is a sense of direction and eventual understanding.
  • Approaches to Existence: The poem explores different attitudes and approaches that individuals take toward life's mysteries. These approaches include resignation, distraction, and confrontation. The variations in these approaches highlight the diversity of human responses to uncertainty.


  • Acceptance of Uncertainty: The poem conveys a sense of acceptance of the uncertainties inherent in life's journey. The metaphor of the spinning wheel in the dark and the unfrequented road reflects an attitude of embracing the unknown and navigating through it.
  • Resilience and Determination: The mention of those with "new - stately feet" and those who "Pass royal thro' the gate" suggests an attitude of resilience and determination. These individuals confront life's challenges head-on and approach them with strength and confidence.


  • Metaphor: The poem employs extended metaphorical language to symbolize life's journey. The spinning wheel, the tide, and the unfrequented road serve as powerful metaphors for the uncertainties and challenges faced by individuals.
  • Symbolism: The "Clearing" at the end of all roads symbolizes the idea of clarity, understanding, and purpose that emerges after navigating life's challenges. It signifies a destination where uncertainties are resolved.

Literary Devices

  • Metaphor: The central metaphor of a spinning wheel in the dark and a foot on an unfrequented road is used throughout the poem to convey the complexities of existence and the human journey.
  • Imagery: The poem employs vivid imagery to create a visual representation of the metaphors. The images of the spinning wheel, the foot on the tide, and the "Clearing" at the end contribute to the poem's contemplative atmosphere.
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