Mastering Passive Voice: Usage and Examples

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Mastering Passive Voice: Usage and Examples
Difference between active and passive voice: Active voice: Describes the subject doing the action. Passive voice: Used when the focus is on the action. The one doing the action is not important. Examples: Positive: A delicious meal is prepared . A new song is being composed . The package has been delivered . The report was reviewed . Beautiful paintings are exhibited . Negative: The issue was not resolved . The message is not being understood . His suggestion has not been considered . The project was not completed . Important details are not being shared . Question: Will the problem be solved ? Is the document being printed ? Has the decision been made ? Were the invitations sent out ? Can the task be completed on time? Passive Voice with Tenses Present Simple: Subject + Am/ is/ are + Verb – past participle The room is cleaned every two days. Books are borrowed from the library. Newspapers are delivered in the morning. The car is washed once a week. Messages are received on this device. Present Continuous: Subject + Am/ is/ are …
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