Mastering Parallel Structure in Sentences: Achieving Clarity and Balance

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Parallel structure refers to using the same grammatical form within a sentence to express multiple ideas or information. It emphasizes the equal importance of the ideas presented. In a parallel structure, the grammatical form of the first piece of information is followed when expressing the remaining ideas. Multiple pieces of information in a parallel structure are usually connected by coordinating conjunctions. Parallel structure can be used at the word, phrase, or clause level in different sentences. Examples: Not Parallel: Ryan likes swimming (noun), hiking (noun), and to ride a motorcycle (phrase). Parallel: Ryan likes swimming (noun), hiking (noun), and riding a motorcycle (noun). Not Parallel: Students were asked to do their assignments quickly (adverb), accurately (adverb), and in a detailed manner (phrase). Parallel: Students were asked to do their assignments quickly (adverb), accurately (adverb), and thoroughly (adverb). Not Parallel: Mr. Evan is a lawyer (noun), a politician (nou…
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