Lucifer, Joost van den Vondel: Introduction

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The play "Lucifer," initially published in 1654, holds a significant place in literary history. This analysis delves into various aspects of the play, including its structure, themes, period of writing, and details about the author, Joost van den Vondel. Editions and Deliverer The first edition of "Lucifer" was released in 1654. A subsequent edition was published by Plantyn Publishers in Deurne Antwerp in 1967, under the guidance of C. Neutjens, who also played the role of the deliverer. Facts of the Work The play consists of 2181 verses divided into five acts, each featuring distinct scenes. The language used is Elevated Dutch, characterized by verbose speech and rhyming patterns. The cast of characters includes prominent figures such as Lucifer, Governor of God; Luciferists, Supporters of Lucifer; Belzebub, Counselor of Lucifer; Belial, Subordinate of Belzebub; Apollion, Subordinate of Belzebub; Gabriel, Archangel and Messenger of God; Michael, Archangel and G…
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