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Juke Box Love Song, Langston Hughes: Summary & Analysis

In "Juke Box Love Song" by Langston Hughes, the poet skillfully blends urban imagery and the rhythm of Harlem to evoke the sense of longing and affection in a love song. Through vibrant descriptions and musical metaphors, Hughes captures the essence of a heartfelt connection and affection in an urban setting.

Juke Box Love Song

I could take the Harlem night
and wrap around you,
Take the neon lights and make a crown,
Take the Lenox Avenue busses,
Taxis, subways,
And for your love song tone their rumble down.
Take Harlem's heartbeat,
Make a drumbeat,
Put it on a record, let it whirl,
And while we listen to it play,
Dance with you till day--
Dance with you, my sweet brown Harlem girl.

Critical Analysis

"Juke Box Love Song" is a romantic tribute that fuses the vibrancy of the Harlem cityscape with the imagery of music and dance. The poem celebrates the power of love to elevate and transform the mundane into the magical.

The opening lines, "I could take the Harlem night / and wrap around you," reflect the speaker's desire to envelop their beloved in the unique atmosphere of Harlem. The city is presented as a living entity that can be molded and shaped.

The phrase "Take the neon lights and make a crown" combines urban imagery with the notion of royalty. This metaphor suggests that the beloved is deserving of honor and admiration.

The reference to "Lenox Avenue busses, / Taxis, subways" evokes the bustling and diverse transportation network of Harlem, conveying the multitude of experiences that the city offers.

The idea of "your love song" toning down the noise of the city is a metaphor for how love can create a sense of focus and calm amidst chaos.

The imagery of "Harlem's heartbeat" as a "drumbeat" and "Put it on a record, let it whirl" blends the auditory and visual elements of music, illustrating the fusion of sensory experiences in the urban environment.

The line "And while we listen to it play, / Dance with you till day" suggests a deep connection between the lovers and their surroundings, emphasizing the transcendent power of music and affection.

"Juke Box Love Song" captures the transformative and enchanting qualities of love, showcasing how the city of Harlem becomes a backdrop for a romantic connection that transcends the ordinary.


"Juke Box Love Song" by Langston Hughes paints a romantic and vivid picture of love in the urban landscape of Harlem. The poem utilizes the imagery of the city's sights and sounds to symbolize the deep affection and connection shared between the speaker and their beloved.

Themes of the Poem

  • Romance and Connection: The poem explores the theme of romantic connection and the transformative power of love to elevate ordinary experiences.
  • Urban Imagery: The imagery of Harlem's lights, transportation, and heartbeat represents the dynamic and diverse setting in which the romance unfolds.
  • Music and Dance: The poem employs metaphors related to music and dance to convey the rhythm and emotion of the romantic relationship.

Stylistic Analysis

  • Metaphor and Imagery: The poem employs metaphors that combine urban elements with notions of royalty, music, and dance, creating a vivid and unique depiction of love.
  • Repetition: The repetition of the phrase "Take" creates a rhythmic and dynamic quality, reinforcing the poet's desire to incorporate various city elements into the beloved's presence.


  • Affection and Longing: The poem conveys a sense of affectionate longing as the speaker envisions enveloping their beloved in the vibrancy and enchantment of Harlem.
  • Elevation: The depiction of the beloved's influence in quieting the city noise suggests an elevation of the ordinary to the extraordinary through love.


  • Musical Metaphors: The poem employs metaphors related to music, such as "rumble" and "drumbeat," to evoke the sensory and emotional experiences of love.
  • Visual Imagery: The poet's use of vivid visual imagery, such as "neon lights" and "Lenox Avenue busses," creates a sense of place and atmosphere.

Sound Devices

  • Rhythm and Repetition: The rhythmic and repetitive qualities of the poem's structure mirror the heartbeat of Harlem and the rhythmic aspects of music and dance.
  • Alliteration: Alliteration in phrases like "Take the Harlem night" and "Lenox Avenue busses" adds a musical and rhythmic quality to the lines.
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