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I, Too, Langston Hughes: Summary & Analysis

In "I, Too" by Langston Hughes, the poet addresses themes of racial inequality, resilience, and a vision of a more inclusive America. Through vivid imagery and a powerful assertion of identity, Hughes portrays a sense of determination and hope in the face of adversity.

I, Too

I, too, sing America.
I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.
I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
"Eat in the kitchen,"
They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed--
I, too, am America.

Critical Analysis

"I, Too" highlights the experience of a marginalized individual who claims their rightful place in American society. The poem's progression from exclusion to empowerment represents the broader struggle for equality and the assertion of a shared American identity.

The opening lines, "I, too, sing America," assert the speaker's presence and affirmation of their place in the nation. This line echoes the universal sentiment of patriotism.

The phrase "darker brother" refers to the African American community and symbolizes their shared heritage and identity. The poet's choice to use "brother" underscores the inherent connection and unity among all Americans.

The image of being sent "to eat in the kitchen" is a metaphor for segregation and discrimination. Despite this exclusion, the speaker's response is marked by resilience, laughter, and inner strength.

The determination to "grow strong" implies a refusal to succumb to marginalization, indicating a commitment to personal growth and collective progress.

The anticipation of a future where the speaker will sit at the table "When company comes" signifies a hopeful vision of a time when racial prejudice will no longer dictate social norms.

The phrase "Nobody'll dare / Say to me, / 'Eat in the kitchen,'" illustrates the speaker's confidence in their impending empowerment and the expected change in societal attitudes.

The assertion that "They'll see how beautiful I am / And be ashamed" emphasizes the speaker's self-assuredness and the eventual recognition of the value and dignity of all individuals.

The declaration "I, too, am America" is a powerful reclamation of identity and an assertion of belonging, challenging the exclusionary narrative that attempts to marginalize certain groups.

"I, Too" captures the spirit of resilience and the quest for equality, asserting the speaker's right to be recognized as an integral part of the American tapestry.


"I, Too" by Langston Hughes depicts a journey from exclusion to empowerment, capturing the resilience of a marginalized individual who envisions a more inclusive America. The poem emphasizes the power of self-assertion and collective progress in overcoming racial discrimination and forging a united national identity.

Themes of the Poem

  • Identity and Belonging: The poem explores the themes of individual and collective identity, underscoring the speaker's assertion of their place in America.
  • Resilience and Empowerment: The speaker's resilience in the face of exclusion highlights the theme of empowerment and the determination to overcome adversity.
  • Equality and Justice: The poem addresses the theme of racial inequality and envisions a future where individuals are treated with dignity and equality.

Stylistic Analysis

  • Metaphor: The metaphor of being sent "to eat in the kitchen" symbolizes segregation and discrimination, while the phrase "table / When company comes" represents inclusion and acceptance.
  • Contrast: The contrast between exclusion and empowerment reinforces the poem's themes of progress and change.


  • Defiance: The speaker's response to exclusion is marked by defiance, determination, and a refusal to be silenced.
  • Hope: The anticipation of a better future and the belief in societal transformation reflect a hopeful and optimistic attitude.


  • Imagery: Vivid imagery, such as "eat well" and "grow strong," evokes a sense of resilience and the idea of personal and collective development.
  • Repetition: The repetition of "I, too" reinforces the speaker's presence and assertion of identity throughout the poem.

Sound Devices

  • Rhythm and Repetition: The rhythmic flow of the poem, coupled with the repetition of "I, too," creates a sense of continuity and persistence.
  • Alliteration: Alliteration in phrases like "laugh" and "longer saps" adds a rhythmic and musical quality to the lines.
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