I Haven't Told My Garden Yet, Emily Dickinson: Summary & Analysis

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In "I Haven't Told My Garden Yet" by Emily Dickinson, the poet explores the intimate connection between the speaker and nature. The poem delves into the reluctance of the speaker to reveal a significant decision or event to the natural world. Through the use of metaphor and vivid imagery, Dickinson highlights the speaker's sense of vulnerability and the preciousness of her secret. The poem speaks to the complexity of human emotions, the bonds between humans and the environment, and the hesitation to share deeply personal experiences with the world around us.

I Haven't Told My Garden Yet

I haven't told my garden yet —
Lest that should conquer me.
I haven't quite the strength now
To break it to the Bee —
I will not name it in the street
For shops would stare at me —
That one so shy — so ignorant
Should have the face to die.
The hillsides must not know it —
Where I have rambled so —
Nor tell the loving forests
The day that I shall go —
Nor lisp it at the table —
Nor heedless by the way
Hint that within the Riddle
One will walk today —


"I Haven't Told My Garden Yet" portrays the speaker's reluctance to reveal a secret or significant decision to the natural world. The speaker is hesitant to share the news with her garden, the bees, the hillsides, the forests, and even in everyday situations. The speaker's reticence stems from a fear of being overwhelmed by the reaction or consequences of her disclosure. Despite her desire to keep her secret guarded, the speaker hints at an impending change or event that she plans to undertake, which she refers to as a "Riddle."

Critical Analysis

"I Haven't Told My Garden Yet" delves into themes of secrecy, vulnerability, and the connection between humans and nature.

The metaphor of the garden symbolizes a private and personal space that the speaker has yet to share her news with, highlighting her hesitancy to expose herself.

The bee, representing a natural and innocent creature, embodies the speaker's concern about the potential impact of her revelation on the world around her.

The hesitation to share her secret in the street or shops suggests the fear of judgment and the outsider's gaze, emphasizing the speaker's vulnerability.

The notion of a shy and ignorant person having the "face to die" alludes to the weight of vulnerability and the potential emotional toll of opening up.

The speaker's desire to keep her secret from the hillsides and forests reflects her reluctance to disrupt the natural beauty and tranquility she has enjoyed.

The repetition of the phrase "Nor lisp it" reinforces the idea of restraint and caution in sharing the secret.

The poem's closing lines hint at the mystery of the "Riddle" that will soon be revealed through the speaker's actions.

"I Haven't Told My Garden Yet" encapsulates the depth of human emotions and the careful consideration that goes into sharing personal experiences with the world.


  • Secrecy and Vulnerability: The poem explores the theme of withholding personal information due to a fear of vulnerability and judgment.
  • Human-Nature Connection: The speaker's reluctance to share her secret with nature emphasizes the deep connection and mutual influence between humans and the environment.
  • Communication and Hesitation: The poem delves into the complexity of communication, capturing the hesitancy and caution in revealing significant news.


  • Fear of Judgment: The speaker's reluctance to share her secret in public spaces suggests her fear of judgment and scrutiny from others.
  • Apprehension: The speaker's hesitation to reveal her secret reflects her apprehension about the consequences and emotions associated with disclosure.


  • Metaphor: The metaphor of the garden and the bee conveys the speaker's internal struggle and the external impact of her actions.
  • Imagery: Vivid imagery of the garden, hillsides, forests, and bee enhances the poem's emotional impact and paints a vivid picture of the speaker's internal conflict.

As you engage with the poem "I Haven't Told My Garden Yet," consider the speaker's inner turmoil and the delicate balance between personal secrecy and the urge to share significant events with the world. Join the conversation below to share your thoughts and interpretations.

What do you make of the poem's exploration of human vulnerability and the connections between personal experiences and the natural world?

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