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I Continue To Dream, Langston Hughes: Summary & Analysis

In "I Continue To Dream" by Langston Hughes, the poet explores the persistent nature of dreams and the complex interaction between the dreamer's inner world and the perceptions of others. Through vivid imagery and introspective language, Hughes contemplates the varying interpretations and responses to his dreams.

I Continue To Dream

I take my dreams and make of them a bronze vase
and a round fountain with a beautiful statue in its center.
And a song with a broken heart and I ask you:
Do you understand my dreams?
Sometimes you say you do,
And sometimes you say you don't.
Either way it doesn't matter.
I continue to dream.

Critical Analysis

"I Continue To Dream" delves into the multifaceted nature of dreams and the interplay between personal creative expression and external understanding. The poem's speaker transforms dreams into various forms, each representing a different facet of his imagination and emotions.

The imagery of crafting "a bronze vase" and "a round fountain with a beautiful statue" emphasizes the act of giving shape and substance to dreams. These physical representations become conduits for the dreamer's emotions and aspirations.

The juxtaposition of "a song with a broken heart" showcases the vulnerability and complexity of human emotions. The question "Do you understand my dreams?" reflects the desire for connection and validation, but also acknowledges the ambiguity of interpretation.

The lines "Sometimes you say you do, / And sometimes you say you don't" underline the uncertainty and subjectivity of how others perceive the dreamer's creative expressions. This uncertainty, however, does not deter the speaker from his creative pursuit.

The phrase "Either way it doesn't matter" implies a detachment from external opinions. The speaker remains committed to his dreams regardless of whether they are fully comprehended or not.

"I Continue To Dream" encapsulates the resilience of the creative spirit and the determination to persist in one's artistic endeavors, regardless of external validation.


"I Continue To Dream" by Langston Hughes examines the relationship between the dreamer's creative expressions and their reception by others. Through the transformation of dreams into tangible forms, the poem conveys the longing for understanding and the unwavering commitment to the act of dreaming itself.

Themes of the Poem

  • Creativity and Expression: The poem explores the theme of creative expression and the transformative power of giving form to inner imaginings.
  • Perception and Interpretation: The poem reflects on how others interpret and respond to artistic creations, highlighting the subjectivity of understanding.
  • Persistence and Resilience: The speaker's dedication to his dreams despite varying responses conveys the theme of resilience and the value of pursuing creative passions.

Stylistic Analysis

  • Imagery: Vivid imagery, such as "bronze vase," "round fountain," and "beautiful statue," adds depth to the poem, visualizing the transformation of dreams into physical representations.
  • Rhetorical Question: The question "Do you understand my dreams?" creates an interactive and introspective element, inviting readers to consider the complexities of artistic communication.


  • Desire for Connection: The question and subsequent lines reflect the dreamer's longing for connection and understanding through his creative expressions.
  • Detachment: The acceptance of the ambiguity in others' responses suggests a degree of detachment from external validation, focusing on the act of dreaming itself.


  • Metaphor: The transformation of dreams into tangible objects serves as a metaphor for the creative process and the materialization of abstract thoughts.
  • Contrast: The contrast between the different forms the dreams take—vase, fountain, song—highlights the range and depth of the dreamer's imagination.

Sound Devices

  • Rhythm and Repetition: The rhythmic flow of the poem, coupled with the repetition of the phrase "I continue to dream," mirrors the persistence of the dreamer's creative spirit.
  • Alliteration: Alliteration in phrases like "beautiful statue" and "song with a broken heart" adds a musical quality to the lines.
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