I Bring An Unaccustomed Wine, Emily Dickinson: Summary & Analysis

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I Bring An Unaccustomed Wine, Emily Dickinson: Summary & Analysis
"I BRING AN UNACCUSTOMED WINE" by Emily Dickinson explores themes of unrequited love, missed opportunities, and the yearning for connection. Through vivid imagery and emotional resonance, the poem portrays the speaker's efforts to offer a gesture of love, only to be met with indifference. The poem delves into the complexities of unreciprocated feelings and the bittersweet nature of longing. "I BRING AN UNACCUSTOMED WINE" I BRING an unaccustomed wine To lips long parching, next to mine, And summon them to drink. Crackling with fever, they essay; I turn my brimming eyes away, And come next hour to look. The hands still hug the tardy glass; The lips I would have cooled, alas! Are so superfluous cold, I would as soon attempt to warm The bosoms where the frost has lain Ages beneath the mould. Some other thirsty there may be To whom this would have pointed me Had it remained to speak. And so I always bear the cup If, haply, mine may be the drop Some pilgrim thirst to …
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