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Have You Got a Brook in Your Little Heart, Emily Dickinson: Summary & Analysis

"HAVE YOU GOT A BROOK IN YOUR LITTLE HEART" by Emily Dickinson presents a metaphorical exploration of the emotions and experiences hidden within the human heart. Through the imagery of a brook, the poem conveys the delicate and hidden aspects of one's inner world, emphasizing the need for care and attention to one's emotional well-being.


Have you got a brook in your little heart,
Where bashful flowers blow,
And blushing birds go down to drink,
And shadows tremble so ?
And nobody knows, so still it flows,
That any brook is there ;
And yet your little draught of life
Is daily drunken there.
Then look out for the little brook in March,
When the rivers overflow,
And the snows come hurrying from the hills,
And the bridges often go.
And later, in August it may be,
When the meadows parching lie,
Beware, lest this little brook of life
Some burning noon go dry !


"HAVE YOU GOT A BROOK IN YOUR LITTLE HEART" employs the metaphor of a brook to convey the hidden emotions and experiences within an individual's heart. The poem explores the subtle and often unnoticed aspects of one's inner world, emphasizing the importance of tending to one's emotional well-being. It also serves as a cautionary reminder to nurture and safeguard one's inner life, as neglect may lead to emotional drought.

Critical Analysis

The poem opens with the question, "Have you got a brook in your little heart," inviting the reader to consider the metaphorical brook as a representation of their emotions and inner experiences. The imagery of "bashful flowers" and "blushing birds" suggests the delicate and shy nature of these emotions.

The phrase "And nobody knows, so still it flows" implies that the inner emotions and experiences remain hidden from the outside world. The comparison of the brook to a "little draught of life" highlights the importance of these emotions in sustaining one's inner vitality.Book 1Emily Dickinson
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The poem then shifts to different seasons to convey the various states of the inner brook. In March, when rivers overflow and snows melt, the brook becomes more noticeable, suggesting times when inner emotions become more apparent or intense. The phrase "And the bridges often go" may symbolize the challenges or changes one faces when emotions become more visible.

The reference to August and parching meadows signifies a later time when emotions might become more subdued or difficult to access. The warning to "beware, lest this little brook of life / Some burning noon go dry !" serves as a caution against neglecting one's emotional well-being, as it could lead to emotional exhaustion or numbness.


  • Emotional Resonance: The poem explores the emotions and experiences that reside within an individual's heart, emphasizing their subtle and often unnoticeable nature.
  • Hidden Depths: The poem highlights the idea that individuals possess intricate emotional worlds that are not immediately apparent to others.
  • Emotional Well-Being: The poem underscores the importance of nurturing and tending to one's emotional well-being, as neglect can lead to emotional depletion.


  • Curiosity: The poem opens with a curious and contemplative tone, inviting readers to consider the presence of emotions within their hearts.
  • Caution: The closing lines convey a cautionary attitude, encouraging readers to be attentive to their emotional health and well-being.

Literary Devices

  • Metaphor: The central metaphor of a brook serves as an extended metaphor for the emotions and inner experiences within an individual's heart.
  • Imagery: The poem employs vivid imagery of "bashful flowers," "blushing birds," and the changing seasons to convey the hidden and changing nature of emotions.
  • Shift in Time: The poem's shift between different seasons symbolizes the varying states of inner emotions and experiences.

Discussion Question

How does Emily Dickinson's use of the metaphor of a brook effectively convey the hidden and nuanced emotions within an individual's heart? How does the poem emphasize the need to care for one's emotional well-being?

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