Expressions of Courage & Uncertainty

Table of Contents
  1. Bite the bullet: To face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage.
    Example: "I know it's tough, but we have to bite the bullet and deal with the consequences."
  2. Break the ice: To initiate or start a conversation or social interaction.
    Example: "I decided to break the ice by asking about their recent vacation."
  3. By the book: To follow rules or guidelines strictly and precisely.
    Example: "He always does everything by the book and never takes shortcuts."
  4. Cost an arm and a leg: To be very expensive.
    Example: "That luxury car must have cost him an arm and a leg."
  5. Cut to the chase: To get to the point or the main topic of a conversation.
    Example: "Let's cut to the chase and discuss the important details of the project."
  6. Face the music: To accept the consequences or criticism of one's actions.
    Example: "He knew he had made a mistake and had to face the music."
  7. Hit the nail on the head: To accurately identify or describe a situation or problem.
    Example: "She hit the nail on the head when she said we needed better communication."
  8. In the same boat: In the same difficult or challenging situation as others.
    Example: "We're all struggling with this project. We're in the same boat."
  9. Keep an eye on: To watch or monitor closely.
    Example: "Could you keep an eye on my bag while I go to the restroom?"
  10. Leave no stone unturned: To make every effort or explore every possibility in a thorough manner.
    Example: "We'll leave no stone unturned to find the missing documents."
  11. Make a long story short: To summarize or give a brief version of a story or explanation.
    Example: "He went on and on, but to make a long story short, he quit his job."
  12. On thin ice: In a risky or precarious situation.
    Example: "After missing the deadline, he knew he was on thin ice with his boss."
  13. Play it by ear: To handle a situation spontaneously or without a fixed plan.
    Example: "We don't have a schedule, so let's just play it by ear and see what happens."
  14. Put all your eggs in one basket: To rely heavily on a single resource or option.
    Example: "Investing all your money in one stock is risky. Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
  15. Rain on someone's parade: To spoil or ruin someone's plans or happiness.
    Example: "Don't rain on her parade. Let her enjoy her achievement."
  16. Save the day: To rescue or bring success in a challenging situation.
    Example: "His quick thinking saved the day during the power outage."
  17. Take it with a grain of salt: To not completely believe or trust something.
    Example: "He tends to exaggerate, so take his stories with a grain of salt."
  18. Under the weather: Feeling unwell or sick.
    Example: "I won't be able to come to work today. I'm feeling under the weather."
  19. Up in the air: Uncertain or undecided.
    Example: "The date of the meeting is still up in the air. We haven't finalized it yet."
  20. Wrap your head around: To understand or comprehend something complex or difficult.
    Example: "It took me a while to wrap my head around the concept, but now I understand it."
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