Discussing Rigveda II.61.5 - Consequences of Untruthfulness and Guile

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In this discussion, we delve into a verse from the Rigveda, specifically Rigveda II.61.5. This verse sheds light on the relationship between untruthfulness and guile, emphasizing that deceit closely trails those who engage in falsehood. We explore the implications of this teaching in fostering honesty and ethical behavior.
“Guile follows close the men who are untruthful.” (Rigveda II.61.5).


Rigveda II.61.5 underscores the connection between untruthfulness and the subsequent presence of guile. Guile refers to deceit or cunning behavior that often arises as a consequence of being untruthful.

The verse suggests that the act of not being truthful opens the door for dishonesty and cunning to follow closely. It highlights the interplay between dishonesty and the erosion of moral integrity, as deceit becomes a natural progression for those who lack honesty.

Key Points

  1. Cause and Effect: The verse indicates that untruthfulness serves as a precursor to the emergence of guile and deceitful behavior.
  2. Link Between Dishonesty and Cunning: The verse points out the connection between being untruthful and the subsequent development of deceit and cunning.
  3. Moral Consequences: Untruthfulness can lead to a deterioration of moral character and the erosion of ethical values.


This teaching from the Rigveda reminds us of the importance of honesty and ethical conduct. By recognizing the link between untruthfulness and guile, we are encouraged to uphold truth as a fundamental virtue in our interactions with others.

This principle resonates with the teachings of various faith traditions, emphasizing the significance of honesty in fostering trust and harmony among individuals and communities.

As individuals, we can apply this lesson by prioritizing truthfulness in our words and actions. By doing so, we not only uphold our own integrity but also contribute to a more transparent and ethical society. This teaching serves as a reminder that dishonesty not only damages personal character but also paves the way for harmful and deceitful behavior.

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