Discussing Rg. 10: 117. 3 - Compassion and Generosity Toward the Needy

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The verse from Rigveda 10:117.3 underscores the virtue of compassion and generosity toward those in need. This discussion delves into the concept of helping the less fortunate, recognizing the positive consequences that arise from extending a helping hand. The verse emphasizes the transformative impact of benevolence, both in the present and the future. “Bounteous is he who gives unto the beggar, who comes to him feeble in want of food; success attends him in the shout of battle. He makes a friend of him in future troubles.” (Rg. 10: 117. 3) Explanation The verse extols the virtue of generosity by highlighting the act of giving to the needy, particularly to beggars who approach in a state of hunger and weakness. The verse suggests that the act of giving to those less fortunate is not only beneficial to the recipient but also brings positive outcomes to the giver. It illustrates that success in battle and enduring friendships are the outcomes of such compassionate actions. Key Poin…
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