Discussing Quran 4:10 - Consequences of Usurping Orphans' Wealth

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Introduction The Quran, as the holy book of Islam, provides guidance on moral principles and social justice. In this discussion, we explore a verse from Surah An-Nisa (Chapter 4), verse 10. This verse sternly warns against unjustly devouring the wealth of orphans and highlights the severe consequences for those who exploit the vulnerable. "Indeed, those who unjustly devour the wealth of orphans swallow nothing but fire into their bellies; and soon they shall be cast into Fire." (Quran: 4:10) Explanation This verse condemns the act of unjustly usurping the wealth that rightfully belongs to orphans. It addresses those who take advantage of the vulnerability of orphans to seize their inheritance or resources. The verse uses strong imagery, comparing the act to swallowing fire, symbolizing the grave sin and the severe punishment that awaits those who commit such injustice. In Islamic teachings, orphans are among the most vulnerable members of society and are entitled to speci…
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