Discussing Quran 26:181-183 - Upholding Honesty in Weighing and Dealing

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Introduction The Quran, as the holy book of Islam, contains teachings that emphasize honesty, justice, and ethical conduct in all aspects of life. In this discussion, we explore verses from Surah Ash-Shu'ara (Chapter 26), verses 181-183. These verses emphasize the importance of honesty in business transactions, specifically in weighing and measuring, and urge believers to avoid cheating and causing disorder in society. "Give full measure and defraud none. Weigh with the right scales and do not cheat your fellow men of what is rightly theirs; and do not spread disorder in the land." (Quran 26:181-183) Explanation These verses address the issue of dishonesty in commercial dealings, particularly when it comes to weighing and measuring items. The Quran urges believers to be just and fair in their business transactions, avoiding any form of fraud or deception. The phrase "give full measure" emphasizes providing the exact and fair amount when measuring goods or co…
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