Discussing Deuteronomy 24:19-21 - Caring for the Needy

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Caring for the Needy

When you get in the grain from your field, if some of the grain has been dropped by chance in the field, do not go back and get it, but let it be for the man from a strange land, the child without a father, and the widow: so that the blessing of the Lord your God may be on all the work of your hands. When you are shaking the fruit from your olive-trees, do not go over the branches a second time: let some be for the man from a strange land, the child without a father, and the widow. When you are pulling the grapes from your vines, do not take up those which have been dropped; let them be for the man from a strange land, the child without a father, and the widow. (Deuteronomy, 24:19-21)


  • Gleaning for the Needy: The practice of gleaning was common in ancient agricultural societies. It involved leaving behind a portion of the harvest for those who were unable to support themselves, such as foreigners, orphans, and widows. This act of charity ensured that the vulnerable members of the community had access to basic necessities.
  • Inclusivity: The verse highlights that care should be extended to those from "a strange land," emphasizing the importance of inclusivity and providing for people who may not belong to the local community. This demonstrates a concern for the well-being of all individuals, regardless of their background or origin.
  • Supporting Orphans and Widows: Orphans and widows were among the most vulnerable groups in ancient societies. By instructing people to leave behind some harvest for them, the verse reinforces the idea that the community should take responsibility for their well-being and not leave them to fend for themselves.
  • Blessings through Compassion: The verse suggests that by caring for the needy, one invites the blessing of the Lord. This implies that acts of kindness and compassion are not only beneficial to those in need but also spiritually rewarding for the giver.
  • Avoiding Excessive Greed: Leaving behind parts of the harvest teaches people not to be excessively greedy or self-centered. It reminds individuals to be mindful of the needs of others and to share their blessings with those who are less fortunate.
  • Translating to Modern Context: While the practice of gleaning may not be as prevalent in modern times, the underlying message of caring for the needy remains relevant. The verse encourages individuals and communities to engage in charitable actions and support social programs that assist those in need.
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