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Children's Rhymes, Langston Hughes: Summary & Analysis

"Children's Rhymes" by Langston Hughes is a thought-provoking and powerful poem that highlights issues of racial inequality and social injustice. Through concise language and poignant reflections, the poem addresses the discrepancies between the opportunities and privileges of white children compared to those of Black children.

Children's Rhymes by Langston Hughes

By what sends
the white kids
I ain't sent:
I know I can't
be President.
What don't bug
them white kids
sure bugs me:
We know everybody
ain't free.
Lies written down
for white folks
ain't for us a-tall:
Liberty And Justice--
Huh!--For All?


"Children's Rhymes" captures the perspective of the speaker, a Black individual, reflecting on the disparities and injustices they observe in society. The poem touches upon the privileges and opportunities that white children have, which the speaker recognizes are not extended to Black children. The poem ends with a critical commentary on the apparent contradiction between the ideals of liberty and justice and the reality of racial inequality.

Critical Analysis

The brevity of "Children's Rhymes" adds to its impact, allowing it to succinctly address significant social issues. The poem powerfully contrasts the aspirations and realities of the speaker's world, emphasizing the unfairness of the racial divide. The refrain of "ain't for us a-tall" underscores the sense of exclusion and injustice that the speaker feels.

The poem's final lines—"Liberty And Justice--
Huh!--For All?"—serve as a sharp critique of the hypocrisy that arises when the lofty ideals of liberty and justice are not equally applied to all members of society. The poem challenges the notion of equal opportunity in a world where racial inequalities persist.

Themes of the Poem

  • Racial Inequality: The poem directly addresses the disparities and injustices experienced by Black individuals in a society that claims to stand for liberty and justice for all.
  • Social Critique: The poem critiques the discrepancy between the ideals of equality and the reality of racial divisions and privileges.

Stylistic Analysis

  • Concise Language: The brevity of the poem allows it to pack a powerful message into a few lines, making it impactful and memorable.
  • Refrain: The repetition of "ain't for us a-tall" emphasizes the exclusion and marginalization experienced by Black individuals.


  • Frustration and Resentment: The poem conveys the speaker's feelings of frustration and resentment toward the racial inequalities they witness.
  • Social Awareness: The poem reflects the speaker's awareness of the racial disparities in society and their desire for change.


  • Direct Language: The poem's direct language adds to its impact, conveying the speaker's thoughts and observations without veiling the message.
  • Rhetorical Question: The rhetorical question in the final lines challenges the notion of equal liberty and justice.

Sound Devices

  • Rhythmic Flow: The poem's rhythmic flow contributes to its readability and adds a sense of urgency to the speaker's message.

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