Chain Of Pearls, Rabindranath Tagore: Summary & Analysis

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"Chain Of Pearls" by Rabindranath Tagore is a heartfelt and introspective poem that explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the emotional connection between a child and a mother. The poem is a portrayal of the depth of the speaker's relationship with their mother, using the metaphor of a "chain of pearls" woven with tears of sorrow. It highlights the mother's role in bestowing material blessings and the speaker's gratitude for her unconditional love and acceptance, even in moments of sorrow.

"Chain Of Pearls" by Rabindranath Tagore

Mother, I shall weave a chain of pearls for thy neck
with my tears of sorrow.
The stars have wrought their anklets of light to deck thy feet,
but mine will hang upon thy breast.
Wealth and fame come from thee
and it is for thee to give or to withhold them.
But this my sorrow is absolutely mine own,
and when I bring it to thee as my offering
thou rewardest me with thy grace.


"Chain Of Pearls" portrays the strong emotional bond between the speaker and their mother. The speaker expresses their desire to create a symbolic offering, a "chain of pearls," by weaving their tears of sorrow. While the stars adorn the mother's feet with light, the speaker's offering will be close to her heart. The poem acknowledges that material wealth and fame are under the mother's control, but the speaker's sorrow belongs solely to them. In presenting this sorrow as an offering, the speaker receives the mother's grace and love in return.

Critical Analysis

The poem beautifully captures the depth of the emotional connection between the speaker and their mother.

The imagery of a "chain of pearls" woven with tears suggests that the speaker's sorrow, though painful, is a precious offering, symbolizing the sincerity and depth of their emotions.

The comparison between the stars' "anklets of light" and the speaker's offering hanging on the mother's breast highlights the mother's significance and the speaker's desire to be close to her.

The contrast between material wealth and fame, which come from the mother, and the speaker's personal sorrow, which is distinctly their own, emphasizes the uniqueness and intimacy of the mother-child relationship.

The mother's reward of grace in response to the speaker's offering of sorrow underscores the mother's unconditional love and acceptance of the speaker's emotions.


  • Mother-Child Bond: The poem explores the deep emotional connection between a mother and her child, highlighting the mother's role in nurturing, understanding, and providing comfort.
  • Sacrifice and Offering: The poem portrays the act of presenting one's sorrow as a heartfelt offering, symbolizing the sincerity of emotions and the mother's acceptance and grace in return.
  • Unconditional Love: The poem showcases the mother's unconditional love and acceptance, even in the face of the child's sorrow and pain.


  • Love and Gratitude: The speaker's act of weaving a "chain of pearls" from their tears expresses their love, gratitude, and desire to be close to the mother.
  • Sorrow and Sacrifice: The speaker's willingness to offer their sorrow as a gift reflects their willingness to share their deepest emotions and experiences with the mother.

Literary Devices

  • Metaphor: The "chain of pearls" serves as a metaphor for the offering made by the speaker, symbolizing their emotional connection and sincerity.
  • Imagery: The imagery of the stars' "anklets of light" and the speaker's offering "hanging upon thy breast" creates vivid mental pictures.

Discussion Question

How does "Chain Of Pearls" by Rabindranath Tagore convey the depth of the emotional bond between a mother and her child? How does the poem use the metaphor of the "chain of pearls" woven with tears to symbolize the sincerity and significance of the speaker's sorrowful offering?

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