Ask Me, Adriana Rajca: Summary & Analysis
"Ask Me" by Adriana Rajca is a heartfelt and expressive poem that captures the emotions of love and affection. Through vivid sensory imagery and introspective reflection, the poem conveys the depth of the speaker's feelings for their beloved. The poem celebrates the various ways in which love is communicated, experienced, and felt. "Ask Me"
Do I really love you?
Look into my eyes.
The shine you see is the light of my soul.
Notice my smile,
how spontaneous and true!
My face in your presence,
my lips caress your name.
Can you not hear the hum of my body
responding to your nearness?
My heart keeps time.
Touch me,
I tremble.
Hold me,
I sigh.
Kiss me,
I melt.
Ask me,
I love you! Summary "Ask Me" is a poem that passionately expresses the speaker's love for their beloved. The poem invites the reader to experience the speaker's emotions through sensory descriptions and introspective thoughts. The speaker's love is depicted as a genuine and profound f…