A Throe Upon the Features by Emily Dickinson: Summary & Analysis

"A THROE UPON THE FEATURES" by Emily Dickinson is a concise exploration of the emotional and physical aspects of the dying process. Through vivid imagery and language, the poem captures the intense and complex range of feelings associated with death, from pain and ecstasy to anguish and release. The poem delves into the transformative nature of death and the ambiguous emotions it elicits.


A throe upon the features —
A hurry in the breath —
An ecstasy of parting
Denominated "Death" —
An anguish at the mention
Which when to patience grown,
I've known permission given
To rejoin its own.


"A THROE UPON THE FEATURES" delves into the emotional and physical aspects of the dying process. The poem presents death as a profound experience that encompasses a range of feelings, including pain, ecstasy, and anguish. The speaker suggests that even in the face of death's challenges, there may be a sense of release and reunion.

Critical Analysis

The poem "A THROE UPON THE FEATURES" explores the emotional and physical intensity of the moment of death and the complex array of feelings associated with it.

The opening lines describe a "throe upon the features" and a "hurry in the breath," creating a vivid image of the physical struggle and intensity that often accompanies the act of dying.

The word "ecstasy" suggests a heightened emotional state that is often associated with intense experiences. The use of the word "parting" in relation to ecstasy implies that death is a profound separation from the living world.

By denoting death as "Denominated 'Death'," the poem highlights the significance and finality of this experience. The use of the word "denominated" implies a naming or labeling of the event.

The second stanza introduces the idea of "anguish" in response to the mere mention of death. This emotion contrasts with the earlier mention of "ecstasy," underscoring the multifaceted nature of the experience.

The phrase "permission given / To rejoin its own" suggests that death might bring a sense of reunion or release from the struggles of life. This idea adds a nuanced layer to the emotions surrounding death.


  • Death and Transformation: The poem explores death as a transformative experience that encompasses a range of emotions and physical sensations.
  • Intensity of Emotion: The poem portrays the intense emotions associated with death, including pain, ecstasy, and anguish.
  • Release and Reunion: The idea that death may provide "permission" to rejoin one's own suggests a possible sense of release from earthly struggles and a reunion with something greater.


  • Pain and Struggle: The imagery of "throe" and "hurry" conveys the physical and emotional struggle often associated with death.
  • Ecstasy: The word "ecstasy" suggests an intense emotional state that may arise in the face of the unknown.
  • Anguish: The speaker acknowledges the anguish that can be triggered by the mere mention of death.
  • Hope and Reunion: The idea of rejoining one's own implies a possible hope for reunion or release from the trials of life.


  • Imagery: The imagery of "throe upon the features" and "hurry in the breath" vividly portrays the physical and emotional experience of dying.
  • Word Choice: The choice of words like "ecstasy," "anguish," and "permission" adds depth and complexity to the portrayal of death.

Contemplate your own perceptions of death and the emotions associated with it. How does the poem's portrayal of the intense emotional and physical experiences of death resonate with your understanding of this universal phenomenon? Share your reflections in the comments below.

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