A New Rule, Rumi: Summary & Analysis

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"A New Rule" by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi reflects on the passionate and transformative nature of love. The poem contrasts the actions of drunkards with the intense emotions experienced by lovers. It presents love as a powerful force that leads individuals to profound self-discovery and union with the beloved.

"A New Rule"

It is the rule with drunkards to fall upon each other,
to quarrel, become violent, and make a scene.
The lover is even worse than a drunkard.
I will tell you what love is: to enter a mine of gold.
And what is that gold?
The lover is a king above all kings,
unafraid of death, not at all interested in a golden crown.
The dervish has a pearl concealed under his patched cloak.
Why should he go begging door to door?
Last night that moon came along,
drunk, dropping clothes in the street.
"Get up," I told my heart, "Give the soul a glass of wine.
The moment has come to join the nightingale in the garden,
to taste sugar with the soul-parrot."
I have fallen, with my heart shattered -
where else but on your path? And I
broke your bowl, drunk, my idol, so drunk,
don't let me be harmed, take my hand.
A new rule a new law has been born:
break all the glasses and fall toward the glassblower.


"A New Rule" presents a metaphorical exploration of love's intensity and transformative power. The poem portrays love as a force that propels individuals to relinquish their ego, shatter their self-imposed barriers, and unite with their beloved.

Critical Analysis

The poem begins by comparing the actions of drunkards who quarrel and create scenes with the passionate nature of lovers. However, the poet suggests that the lover's intensity surpasses that of a drunkard.

The metaphor of entering a "mine of gold" symbolizes the profound potential of love. Love is portrayed as a treasure that enriches the lover's soul and grants them a unique sense of kingship that transcends material desires.

The dervish's concealed pearl represents the hidden potential within every individual. This metaphor conveys that true wealth lies within, and there is no need to seek validation from others.

The imagery of the moon coming along drunk and dropping clothes emphasizes the idea of shedding external layers and pretenses to reveal one's true self.

The reference to the heart and soul experiencing a transformative moment underscores the spiritual aspect of love. The comparison to the nightingale and the soul-parrot alludes to the union of different aspects of the self.

The poet's personal experience of falling on the beloved's path, breaking a bowl, and seeking the beloved's protection symbolizes the vulnerability and surrender that love demands.

The poem concludes with the declaration of a new rule or law, urging the reader to break metaphorical barriers and embrace transformation, just as glass is reshaped by the glassblower.


  • Transformative Power of Love: The poem explores the profound impact of love on the individual, leading to self-discovery, transformation, and a higher state of being.
  • Inner Wealth: The metaphor of the dervish's concealed pearl highlights the idea that true value and potential lie within oneself, rather than in external validation.
  • Surrender and Vulnerability: The poem portrays love as requiring surrender, vulnerability, and a willingness to break down barriers in order to experience its full intensity and beauty.


  • Intense Passion: The poem conveys the intensity and fervor of love, comparing it to the actions of drunkards and highlighting its ability to shatter preconceived notions and limitations.
  • Vulnerability: The poem explores the theme of vulnerability, as the speaker acknowledges their broken heart and seeks protection from the beloved.

Literary Devices

  • Metaphor: The poem uses metaphors such as the "mine of gold," the lover as a king, and the pearl concealed under the dervish's cloak to symbolize the transformative nature of love and the inherent value within individuals.
  • Imagery: Vivid imagery is used to depict the moon dropping clothes, the garden, and the soul-parrot, enhancing the reader's sensory experience and understanding of the themes.

Discussion Question

How does "A New Rule" by Rumi emphasize the transformative power of love? How does the metaphor of the "mine of gold" and the dervish's pearl contribute to the poem's exploration of inner worth and potential?

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