A Late Walk, Robert Frost: Summary & Analysis

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In "A Late Walk" by Robert Frost, the poet offers a contemplative portrayal of the transition between summer and autumn, using descriptive imagery to evoke the atmosphere of a mowing field and a garden. Through a reflective tone and attention to nature's details, Frost captures the bittersweet emotions associated with the changing seasons and the passage of time.

A Late Walk by Robert Frost

When I go up through the mowing field,
The headless aftermath,
Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew,
Half closes the garden path.
And when I come to the garden ground,
The whir of sober birds
Up from the tangle of withered weeds
Is sadder than any words.
A tree beside the wall stands bare,
But a leaf that lingered brown,
Disturbed, I doubt not, by my thought,
Comes softly rattling down.
I end not far from my going forth
By picking the faded blue
Of the last remaining aster flower
To carry again to you.

Critical Analysis

"A Late Walk" by Robert Frost captures the contemplative moments of a late walk through a mowing field and a garden during the transition from summer to autumn. The poem explores the emotions and observations that arise as the speaker moves through the changing landscape and encounters the signs of the passing season.

The opening lines describe the aftermath of mowing, where the grass is "headless" and lays "smooth-laid like thatch." The heavy dew and the imagery of the mown field create a sense of quiet and stillness, emphasizing the end of the growing season.

As the speaker enters the garden, they hear the "whir of sober birds" rising from the "withered weeds." The description of the birds' sound as "sadder than any words" suggests a melancholic quality, evoking the contrast between the vibrant life of summer and the fading of the natural world.

The sight of a bare tree beside the wall draws the speaker's attention, and a single brown leaf falls gently, disturbed by their thoughts. This moment symbolizes the passage of time and the inevitability of change.

The poem concludes with the speaker picking a "faded blue" aster flower, the last remnant of color in the garden. This act of preserving the flower to "carry again to you" conveys a sense of holding on to fleeting beauty and the desire to share it with someone.

Overall, "A Late Walk" invites readers to reflect on the fleeting nature of time, the changing seasons, and the emotions that arise when witnessing the transition from summer's vibrancy to autumn's melancholy.

Themes of the Poem

  • Passage of Time: The poem explores the concept of time and change, highlighting the transition from summer to autumn and the effects it has on the natural world.
  • Nature's Cycle: The poem reflects on the cyclical nature of the seasons and the emotions that arise as one season gives way to another.
  • Emotional Resonance: The poem captures the bittersweet emotions associated with the changing of seasons and the passing of time.

Stylistic Analysis

  • Descriptive Imagery: Frost's use of descriptive imagery immerses readers in the mowing field and garden, creating a visual and sensory experience.
  • Reflective Tone: The reflective and contemplative tone of the poem conveys the speaker's introspective observations and emotions.
  • Symbolism: The tree, the falling leaf, and the faded aster flower serve as symbolic elements representing change, transience, and beauty.


  • Bittersweet Emotions: The poem evokes a mixture of emotions, including a sense of nostalgia, melancholy, and appreciation for the beauty of the changing seasons.
  • Observation and Contemplation: The speaker's observant and introspective nature is evident in their reflections on the landscape and the passage of time.


  • Descriptive Language: Frost's descriptive language paints a vivid picture of the mowing field, garden, and the emotions associated with the changing season.
  • Evocative Language: The poem's language evokes the sensory and emotional experiences of the speaker during their late walk.

Sound Devices

  • Rhythmic Flow: The poem's rhythmic flow and meter contribute to its contemplative and introspective mood, guiding readers through the speaker's reflections.
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