The Landlady by Roald Dahl: Summary, Analysis & Themes

Summary of The Landlady by Roald Dahl An Eerie Tale The story unfolds as an eerie and mysterious narrative centered around a peculiar lady running a small hotel in the charming city of Bath, England. The protagonist, Billy, arrives in Bath with the task of finding affordable accommodation for his boss, Mr. Greenslade. Intrigued by the prospect of exploring new places and making new acquaintances, Billy sets out to find a suitable lodging after alighting from the train. An Old Lady and a Quaint Inn During his journey, Billy observes the dilapidated state of many buildings in contrast to the opulence of London. However, his attention is captured by a charming and cozy inn, which exudes a welcoming aura with its beautiful decor. Unable to resist the inn's appeal, he decides to inquire about a room and is warmly received by an elderly and tired-looking lady. A Peculiar Encounter The old lady showers Billy with kindness and presents an offer he finds impossible to decline. Impressed …
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