Regression as Ego-Defense Mechanism

Regression is an ego-defense mechanism that occurs when individuals, in the face of severe stress or extreme challenges, attempt to cope with their anxiety by reverting to behaviors characteristic of an earlier phase of development when there were fewer demands. In times of distress, individuals may retreat to more immature and inappropriate behaviors to seek comfort or escape from overwhelming situations. Example 1: When faced with a high-stress work environment or a difficult project, an adult might start exhibiting childlike behaviors such as tantrums, crying, or seeking excessive reassurance and comfort from others. By regressing to a more dependent and vulnerable state, they may hope to receive support and alleviate their anxiety. Example 2: A student who is overwhelmed by academic pressures may revert to thumb-sucking, clinging to a stuffed toy, or exhibiting other behaviors associated with early childhood. These regressive actions provide a temporary retreat from the stressors a…

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