Realistic Self-Appraisal of Critical Thinking Skills

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While you may already possess some level of critical thinking skills to handle everyday life, work, or previous study, it's important to recognize that the complexity of tasks and responsibilities often demands more refined abilities. Advancing in academic or professional spheres requires honing these skills further. The better your critical thinking skills, the more confidently you can tackle intricate problems and projects, increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes. The Pitfalls of Overestimation Many people tend to overestimate the quality of their critical thinking when engaging in various activities such as reading, watching television, using the internet, or even at work and during study. It is common to assume that our point of view is well-founded, that we know best, and that our thinking is logical and reasonable. However, this self-assurance might not always align with reality, as others observing us may not share the same perspective. Importance of Self-Awareness Dev…
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