Phrasal Verbs with Try

Explore the various meanings of Phrasal Verbs related to trying. Discover phoning back, making attempts, provoking, testing, and more. Phrasal Verbs with Try: Meanings, and Example Sentences Try back: Phone back. I missed his call, so I need to try him back and see what he wanted. The receptionist asked the customer to leave his contact details and assured him that she would try back later. She left a message asking her friend to try her back as soon as possible. Try for: Make an attempt to get something. He's going to try for a promotion at work. They decided to try for a loan to start their own business. She's been training hard to try for a place on the national team. Try it on: Provoke someone by being annoying or behaving badly; attempt to get something, usually by deceit, without great hopes of success. He's just trying it on to get a reaction out of you. Don't let it bother you. The child was trying it on by throwing a tantrum to get what she wanted. He's always tryin…
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