Phrasal Verbs with Send

Learn how to effectively use Phrasal Verbs related to sending. Explore their meanings and usage in different contexts for clearer communication. Send away: The boss decided to send away the disruptive employee from the meeting. She sent away her old clothes to a charity organization. They had to send away their dog to a pet boarding facility while they were on vacation. Send away for: He sent away for a catalog to order new gardening tools. She decided to send away for the latest bestselling novel. They sent away for a free sample of the new skincare product. Send back: The customer had to send back the faulty product for a replacement. She forgot to include a document and had to send it back to the office. He decided to send back the gift as it was not what he expected. Send down: The university decided to send down the student for academic misconduct. She was nervous that the teacher might send her down in front of the class. They were disappointed to hear that their favorite team got sent down
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