Phrasal Verbs with Run: List I

Run away : Flee by running He ran away from home when he was just a teenager. They witnessed the suspect running away from the crime scene. She decided to run away and start a new life in a different city. Run away with : Leave secretly with another person He ran away with his girlfriend and eloped without telling anyone. They were shocked when their daughter decided to run away with her boyfriend. She couldn't believe her best friend would run away with her ex-partner. Run away with : Steal and get away with it He managed to run away with the priceless painting from the museum. They were known for their ability to run away with small trinkets from stores without getting caught. She had a reputation for running away with valuable items and selling them on the black market. Run away with : Be misled He let his imagination run away with him and started believing in unrealistic dreams. They were cautious not to let rumors run away with their judgment. She warned her friend not to let emotions run a…
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