Phrasal Verbs with Pass

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Pass away (Die):
  • He passed away peacefully in his sleep.
  • They were saddened by the news of her passing away.
  • She will always be remembered even though she has passed away.
Pass by (Travel past without stopping):
  • As they walked along the street, they saw the bus pass by without stopping.
  • They watched the cars pass by from the park bench.
  • She didn't have time to chat as she saw her friend pass by in a hurry.
Pass by (Travel past (something) without stopping; ignore, disregard):
  • They chose to pass by the opportunity without giving it a second thought.
  • He decided to pass by the small town and continue driving to his destination.
  • She felt hurt when her colleagues passed by her suggestions and didn't consider them.
Pass by (Of a period of time: come to an end, elapse):
  • The summer vacation passed by quickly, and it was time to go back to school.
  • They didn't realize how much time had passed by since they started working on the project.
  • She sat by the window, watching the days pass by as she waited for her loved one to return.
Pass down (Transmit information or give property to younger generations):
  • They were proud to pass down their family traditions to the next generation.
  • He passed down his father's antique watch as a cherished heirloom.
  • She wanted to pass down her knowledge and expertise to aspiring young artists.
Pass off (Happen):
  • It was an unfortunate accident that passed off during the storm.
  • They were relieved when the crisis passed off without any major damage.
  • She was surprised by how smoothly the event passed off despite the initial challenges.
Pass off (Misrepresent something):
  • He tried to pass off his fake painting as an original masterpiece.
  • They were caught when their attempt to pass off counterfeit money failed.
  • She was skeptical of the salesman's claims and suspected he was trying to pass off inferior products.
Pass on (Convey or communicate):
  • He wanted to pass on his knowledge and wisdom to the next generation.
  • They asked her to pass on the message to their colleagues.
  • She made sure to pass on the instructions to the team before leaving for her vacation.
Pass on (Skip or decline):
  • He decided to pass on the opportunity as it didn't align with his long-term goals.
  • They politely passed on the invitation, citing prior commitments.
  • She didn't feel prepared for the challenge and chose to pass on the responsibility.
Pass on (Die):
  • He passed on peacefully, surrounded by his loved ones.
  • They were deeply saddened by the news of her passing on.
  • She will always be remembered even though she has passed on.
Pass out (Faint; become unconscious):
  • He felt lightheaded and suddenly passed out during the presentation.
  • They were concerned when their friend passed out at the party and called for medical help.
  • She woke up feeling disoriented after passing out from heat exhaustion.
Pass out (Distribute; hand out):
  • He volunteered to pass out flyers at the event to promote the cause.
  • They asked her to pass out the documents to the attendees before the meeting started.
  • She carefully passed out the samples to the participants for their feedback.
Pass over (Ignore someone and give a job, reward, etc., to someone more junior):
  • They decided to pass over him for the promotion and selected a younger colleague instead.
  • He felt disappointed when they passed him over for the leadership role in the project.
  • She was frustrated when her contributions were passed over in favor of others Pass over (Ignore, refuse to discuss):
    • They chose to pass over the controversial topic and focus on more constructive discussions.
    • He tried to bring up the issue, but they passed it over and moved on to a different subject.
    • She felt frustrated when her suggestions were passed over during the meeting.
    Pass round (Distribute, give to people present):
    • They passed round the snacks during the party so that everyone could enjoy them.
    • He passed round the handouts to the participants before starting the presentation.
    • She made sure to pass round the agenda for the meeting to all the attendees.
    Pass through (Visit a place without stopping or only stopping briefly):
    • They decided to pass through the small town on their road trip but didn't plan to stay overnight.
    • He had a layover at the airport and passed through the city for a few hours.
    • She wanted to pass through the museum quickly to see the highlights before catching her train.
    Pass to (Give ownership or responsibility to someone):
    • He decided to pass the business to his son and retire after many years of hard work.
    • They entrusted her to pass the project to the new team leader.
    • She was ready to pass the torch to the next generation and let them carry on the legacy.
    Pass up (Refuse, not accept):
    • He didn't want to pass up the opportunity to travel abroad and experience new cultures.
    • They regretted the decision to pass up the job offer when they learned about its benefits.
    • She was offered a promotion, but she chose to pass it up in favor of work-life balance.
    Remember to use these phrasal verbs appropriately and in the right context. Practice using them in sentences to become more comfortable with their usage. Course Home
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