Phrasal Verbs with Pass

Pass away (Die): He passed away peacefully in his sleep. They were saddened by the news of her passing away . She will always be remembered even though she has passed away . Pass by (Travel past without stopping): As they walked along the street, they saw the bus pass by without stopping. They watched the cars pass by from the park bench. She didn't have time to chat as she saw her friend pass by in a hurry. Pass by (Travel past (something) without stopping; ignore, disregard): They chose to pass by the opportunity without giving it a second thought. He decided to pass by the small town and continue driving to his destination. She felt hurt when her colleagues passed by her suggestions and didn't consider them. Pass by (Of a period of time: come to an end, elapse): The summer vacation passed by quickly, and it was time to go back to school. They didn't realize how much time had passed by since they started working on the project. She sat by the window, watching the days pass by as she …
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