Phrasal Verbs with Make

Make after (Chase): She made after the thief, running as fast as she could. They saw their dog make after a squirrel in the park. He decided to make after his dreams and pursue a career in music. Make away with (Steal): She made away with the valuable painting from the art gallery. They discovered that someone had made away with their laptop from their office. He was caught trying to make away with the jewelry from the store. Make for (To move towards something): She decided to make for the nearest exit when the fire alarm went off. They hurriedly made for the bus stop to catch the last bus. He saw the storm clouds approaching and knew it was time to make for shelter. Make for (To contribute, to cause, lead to): Her dedication and hard work made for her success in the competition. The positive atmosphere in the workplace makes for better productivity. His disruptive behavior made for a tense and uncomfortable atmosphere. Make into (Cause the first object to become the second object; to change or …
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