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Phrasal Verbs with Look

Look after (Watch or protect; to keep safe):
  • She looks after her younger siblings while their parents are at work.
  • They hired a nanny to look after their children when they're away.
  • He promised to look after her belongings while she's on vacation.
Look ahead (Consider the future; to anticipate future events):
  • She always likes to look ahead and plan her next steps in life.
  • They are looking ahead to their upcoming trip and all the adventures that await.
  • He encourages his team to look ahead and set ambitious goals for the future.
Look back (Think about something that happened in the past):
  • She likes to look back on her childhood memories with fondness.
  • They often look back on their achievements and reflect on how far they've come.
  • He tends to look back and analyze his past mistakes to learn from them.
Look down on (Regard someone with a feeling of superiority):
  • She looks down on people who don't share her educational background.
  • They have a tendency to look down on others who have different cultural beliefs.
  • He dislikes how some individuals look down on those who work in manual labor jobs.
Look around (Inspect a building or area):
  • She likes to look around antique shops in search of unique treasures.
  • They decided to look around the new neighborhood to get a sense of the local amenities.
  • He took a moment to look around the room and appreciate the beautiful artwork.
Look around (Search a place):
  • She looked around her bag for her keys but couldn't find them.
  • They looked around the house for their missing cat.
  • He asked his colleagues to help him look around the office for the missing document.
Look around (Turn one's head to see what is behind oneself):
  • She looked around to see who was calling her name.
  • They looked around to make sure no one was following them.
  • He looked around before crossing the street to check for any oncoming traffic.
Look at (Consider):
  • She asked him to look at the problem from a different perspective.
  • They need to look at the data and analyze it before making any conclusions.
  • He suggested they look at the pros and cons of the situation before making a decision.
Look for (Search for; to seek):
  • She needs to look for her missing phone before she leaves the house.
  • They are looking for a new apartment in the city center.
  • He asked his friends to help him look for his lost wallet.
Look forward to (Feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen):
  • She looks forward to her upcoming vacation to relax and unwind.
  • They are looking forward to the weekend getaway with their friends.
  • He looks forward to starting his new job and taking on new challenges.
Look in (on sby) (Visit a person or place for a short time):
  • She decided to look in on her elderly neighbor to see if she needed any assistance.
  • They planned to look in on their friends during their road trip.
  • He dropped by the office to look in on his colleagues and check on the progress of the project.
  • Look into (Investigate, explore, or consider):
    • She promised to look into the matter and gather more information.
    • They hired a detective to look into the mysterious disappearance.
    • He urged the committee to look into the issue and find a solution.
    Look on (Watch; to observe):
    • She stood by and looked on as the children played in the park.
    • They looked on in awe as the fireworks lit up the night sky.
    • He couldn't help but look on with pride as his team won the championship.
    Look on as (Treat someone in a particular role; to consider someone in a particular way):
    • She looks on her sister as her mentor and role model.
    • They looked on him as a trusted advisor and sought his guidance.
    • He was looked on as a leader by his colleagues due to his experience and expertise.
    Look out (Look from within to the outside):
    • She looked out the window and saw the beautiful sunset.
    • They climbed to the top of the tower to look out over the city.
    • He opened the door to look out and check the weather.
    Look out (Be vigilant and aware):
    • She reminded her friends to look out for any signs of danger during their hike.
    • They need to look out for each other and stay safe in the unfamiliar neighborhood.
    • He cautioned his team to look out for any potential obstacles or challenges.
    Look out for (Take care of someone, make sure someone is cared for):
    • She always looks out for her younger siblings and ensures their well-being.
    • They promised to look out for their elderly neighbor and assist her whenever needed.
    • He volunteered to look out for his friend's pet while they were on vacation.
    Look out for (Keep alert and try to see):
    • She always looks out for potential dangers when walking alone at night.
    • They were instructed to look out for any suspicious activity in the area.
    • He asked his friends to look out for him at the crowded concert.
    Look round (Inspect a building or area):
    • She decided to look round the museum to admire the artwork.
    • They took a moment to look round the new house and plan their interior design.
    • He hired a professional inspector to look round the property before making a purchase.
    Look round (Search a place):
    • She looked round the room for her misplaced keys.
    • They need to look round the office to find the missing documents.
    • He asked his colleagues to look round the warehouse for the misplaced inventory.
    Look round (Turn one's head to see what is behind oneself):
    • She looked round to see who was calling her name.
    • They looked round before crossing the street to check for any oncoming traffic.
    • He looked round to make sure no one was following him.
    Look through (Gaze through a gap or aperture):
    • She looked through the window to see the beautiful sunset.
    • They looked through the telescope to observe the distant stars.
    • He looked through the peephole to see who was at the door.
    Look through (Search, either with the eyes or by hand):
    • She looked through her bag in search of her missing wallet.
    • They looked through the files to find the necessary documents.
    • He looked through the shelves for his favorite book.
    Look through (Pretend not to see something or someone who is clearly visible):
    • She looked through the annoying messages and ignored them.
    • They looked through the street performer and walked by without acknowledging them.
    • He looked through the rude customer and maintained his professionalism.
    Look to (Seek inspiration or advice or reward from someone):
    • She looks to her mentor for guidance in her career.
    • They look to their parents for support and advice in difficult times.
    • He looks to his favorite author for inspiration in his writing.
    Look up (Have better prospects; to improve):
    • She hopes that her business will look up after the recent slump in sales.
    • They are confident that their financial situation will look up with the new job offer.
    • He believes that the future will look up as long as they stay determined.
    Look up (Obtain information about something from a text source):
    • She decided to look up the definition of the unfamiliar word in the dictionary.
    • They used the internet to look up reviews of the restaurant before making a reservation.
    • He opened a book to look up the historical facts for his research paper.
    Look up to (Show respect or admiration for):
    • She looks up to her older sister as a role model.
    • They look up to their coach for guidance and inspiration.
    • He has always looked up to his grandfather for his wisdom and kindness.
    Look upon (Consider or regard something in a specific manner):
    • She looks upon the situation as a learning opportunity rather than a setback.
    • They look upon their pets as members of the family.
    • He looks upon the natural world with a sense of awe and wonder.
    Look upon as (Consider, regard):
    • She looks upon him as her mentor and advisor in her professional career.
    • They look upon the organization as a valuable resource for community development.
    • He is looked upon as a leader in his field due to his extensive knowledge and experience.
    Remember to practice using these phrasal verbs in sentences to reinforce your understanding and improve your language skills. Feel free to share your sentences in the comments section below and engage in discussions with other learners. Keep up the great work! Course Home
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