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Phrasal Verbs with Knock

Discover the versatility of Phrasal Verbs in English. Learn their meanings and usage to enhance your language skills and communication.
  • Knock about (Spend time companionably; to hang around):
    • We used to knock about the neighborhood together when we were kids.
    • They enjoy knocking about the park and playing frisbee.
    • He and his friends like to knock about and explore new places on weekends.
  • Knock about (Engage in a relaxing activity in; to hang around in):
    • We decided to knock about the garden and enjoy the sunny weather.
    • They often knock about the kitchen and experiment with new recipes.
    • She likes to knock about her studio and create art in her free time.
  • Knock about (Be located in or mislaid in):
    • I think I left my keys knocking about somewhere in the house.
    • His wallet was knocking about in his backpack all this time.
    • She found the missing documents knocking about in a drawer.
  • Knock about (Hit or behave violently towards):
    • He was involved in a fight and got knocked about by the other guy.
    • They witnessed a group of people knocking about a street sign in anger.
    • She doesn't tolerate anyone knocking about her belongings.
  • Knock back (Stun; to surprise):
    • The news of his promotion really knocked him back.
    • They were knocked back by the unexpected turn of events.
    • She was knocked back when he proposed to her out of the blue.
  • Knock back (Reject; to refuse):
    • They knocked back his proposal, citing budget constraints.
    • She knocked back the job offer because it didn't align with her career goals.
    • He felt disappointed when his manuscript was knocked back by several publishers.
  • Knock down (Hit or knock something intentionally or accidentally, so that it falls):
    • He knocked down the tower of blocks with a swift movement.
    • They accidentally knocked down a vase while rearranging the furniture.
    • She skillfully knocked down all the bowling pins with her first throw.
  • Knock down (Demolish):
    • They plan to knock down the old building and construct a new one.
    • The hurricane knocked down several trees and power lines.
    • He hired a demolition crew to knock down the dilapidated structure.
  • Knock down (At an auction, to declare something sold with a blow from the gavel):
    • The auctioneer knocked down the antique clock to the highest bidder.
    • They eagerly awaited the moment when the auctioneer would knock down the rare painting.
    • He successfully bid for the item and heard the auctioneer knock it down.
  • Knock down (Reduce the price of):
    • The store knocked down the price of the merchandise for a clearance sale.
    • They decided to knock down the rent to attract more tenants.
    • He negotiated with the seller to knock down the cost of the car.
  • Knock down (Drink fast):
    • He knocked down his glass of water in a single gulp.
    • They were thirsty and knocked down their drinks without pausing.
    • She challenged him to knock down his beer faster than she could.
  • Knock down (Disassemble for shipment):
    • The furniture needs to be knocked down before it can be transported.
    • They had to knock down the equipment into smaller parts for easier transport.
    • She carefully knocked down the shelves and packed them for shipping.
  • Knock it off (Stop doing something; desist):
    • The children were making too much noise, and their mother told them to knock it off.
    • They were constantly arguing, and their friends asked them to knock it off.
    • He was annoying his colleagues with his jokes, and they asked him to knock it off.
  • Knock off (Bump or hit so that something falls off):
    • She accidentally knocked off a glass from the table.
    • They bumped into the shelf and knocked off a book.
    • He was in a hurry and knocked off his hat while entering the room.
  • Knock off (Quit; stop doing work or other activity):
    • It's already late, so let's knock off and go home.
    • They decided to knock off early and enjoy the rest of the day.
    • She was tired and needed to knock off for the day.
  • Knock off (Kill someone):
    • They discovered the body of a man who had been knocked off in the alley.
    • The detective was determined to solve the case of the knocked off gangster.
    • He was involved in a dangerous game and feared he might get knocked off.
  • Knock off (Reduce or remove):
    • The store knocked off 20% from the original price during the sale.
    • They decided to knock off a few items from the agenda to save time.
    • He managed to knock off a few pounds from the weight of his luggage.
  • Knock off (Rob):
    • They knocked off a jewelry store and escaped with valuable diamonds.
    • He was caught attempting to knock off a bank in a daring heist.
    • She played the role of a professional thief who would knock off high-profile targets.
  • Knock off (Make a copy of, as of a design):
    • They managed to knock off a replica of the famous painting.
    • He was accused of knocking off the company's patented product.
    • She was skilled at knocking off original designs and selling them as her own.
  • Knock out (Strike or bump someone or something out):
    • He threw a punch and knocked out his opponent with one blow.
    • They accidentally knocked out a tooth during the intense game.
    • She hit the ball so hard that it knocked out the window.
  • Knock out (Render unconscious, as by a blow to the head):
    • The boxer delivered a powerful punch that knocked out his opponent.
    • They were knocked out cold after the car accident.
    • She slipped and fell, hitting her head and getting knocked out.
  • Knock out (Put to sleep):
    • The medication helped to knock out her pain and induce sleep.
    • They needed to knock out the patient before performing the surgery.
    • He took a sleeping pill to knock himself out and get some rest.
  • Knock out (Exhaust):
    • The intense workout knocked her out and left her feeling drained.
    • They were knocked out after running a marathon.
    • She had a busy day that knocked her out both mentally and physically.
  • Knock out (Complete, especially in haste; knock off):
    • He managed to knock out the report just before the deadline.
    • They had to knock out a few more tasks before leaving for vacation.
    • She was determined to knock out the project and impress her boss.
  • Knock out (Cause a mechanism to become non-functional by damaging or destroying it):
    • The lightning strike knocked out the power supply in the area.
    • They accidentally knocked out the main circuit while making repairs.
    • He hit the machine with a hammer and knocked it out for good.
  • Knock out (Communicate a message by knocking):
    • They used a secret code to knock out their message on the door.
    • He tried to knock out a rhythm on the table to get their attention.
    • She learned how to knock out Morse code to communicate in emergencies.
  • Knock over (Bump or strike something in such a way as to tip it):
    • He accidentally knocked over a glass of water while reaching for his phone.
    • They knocked over a stack of books by accident.
    • She stumbled and knocked over a display of fragile items in the store.
  • Knock over (Rob; to stage a heist of):
    • They planned to knock over the bank under the cover of darkness.
    • He was involved in a gang that would knock over jewelry stores.
    • She portrayed a skilled thief in the movie who would knock over high-security vaults.
  • Knock together ( Assemble something quickly; to knock up):
    • We need to knock together a makeshift shelter for the camping trip.
    • They managed to knock together a simple meal with the ingredients they had on hand.
    • He quickly knocked together a prototype of the new product to present to the team.
  • Knock up (Put together, fabricate, or assemble, particularly if done hastily or temporarily):
    • They had to knock up a stage for the impromptu performance.
    • He can knock up a basic website in just a few hours.
    • She was able to knock up a delicious dinner using leftover ingredients.
  • Knock up (Impregnate, especially out of wedlock):
    • She got knocked up during a summer fling and became a single mother.
    • They were surprised to learn that their friend had been knocked up by her boyfriend.
    • He was accused of knocking up a woman and denying responsibility.
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