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Phrasal Verbs with Kick

Unlock the power of Phrasal Verbs for effective communication. Explore their meanings and usage to enhance your English skills.
  • Kick around (Abuse or mistreat; to bully):
    • It's not right to kick around others just because they're different.
    • They used to kick around the new kid in school.
    • He was constantly kicked around by his older siblings.
  • Kick around (Wander loose; to float around; to hang around):
    • We spent the afternoon kicking around the park.
    • She likes to kick around downtown and explore the shops.
    • They decided to kick around the idea of going on a road trip.
  • Kick back (Relax):
    • After a long day at work, he likes to kick back and watch TV.
    • They planned to kick back at the beach during the weekend.
    • She enjoys kicking back with a good book and a cup of tea.
  • Kick down (Break or demolish something by physical bodily force):
    • He kicked down the door to rescue the trapped person inside.
    • They had to kick down the old wall to make room for renovations.
    • She accidentally kicked down a stack of boxes in the storage room.
  • Kick in (Start, connect, or take effect, especially in a sudden way):
    • The medication takes a while to kick in and relieve the pain.
    • When the caffeine finally kicked in, he felt more awake and alert.
    • She felt the adrenaline kick in as she prepared for the race.
  • Kick in (Contribute, especially to a collection of money):
    • Everyone kicked in a few dollars to help cover the expenses.
    • They decided to kick in and support the charity's fundraising campaign.
    • He offered to kick in some extra cash to make the gift more substantial.
  • Kick off (Make the first kick in a game or part of a game):
    • The captain will kick off the match with the ceremonial first kick.
    • They were excited to kick off the tournament with a strong start.
    • He had the honor of kicking off the championship game.
  • Kick off (Start; to launch):
    • The conference will kick off with an opening ceremony.
    • They plan to kick off the new project next month.
    • She announced the decision to kick off the initiative at the upcoming meeting.
  • Kick off (Dismiss; to expel; to remove from a position):
    • The company decided to kick off the employee for repeated misconduct.
    • They voted to kick off the team captain due to poor performance.
    • He was kicked off the committee for violating the code of conduct.
  • Kick off (Die or quit permanently):
    • He announced his decision to kick off the habit and quit smoking.
    • They had to kick off the project after running out of funds.
    • She made the difficult choice to kick off her toxic relationship.
  • Kick off (Shut down or turn off suddenly):
    • The power outage caused the lights to kick off throughout the neighborhood.
    • They accidentally kicked off the computer by unplugging it.
    • He hit the wrong button and kicked off the music in the middle of the party.
  • Kick off (Suddenly become more active):
    • The economy is starting to kick off as businesses reopen.
    • They saw sales kick off after launching their new advertising campaign.
    • She felt her energy kick off as she started her morning workout.
  • Kick off (Be overcome with anger, to start an argument or a fight):
    • He tends to kick off whenever someone criticizes his work.
    • They witnessed a heated confrontation kicking off between two rival fans.
    • She tried to remain calm despite her brother's tendency to kick off over small things.
  • Kick off (Have a fight or argument start):
    • The disagreement kicked off a heated debate among the team members.
    • They saw a conflict kick off between two colleagues during the meeting.
    • He stepped in to mediate before the argument could kick off further.
  • Kick out (Eject, throw out, or forcefully remove):
    • The bouncer kicked out
    • They decided to kick out the tenant for violating the lease agreement.
    • She was kicked out of the meeting for disruptive behavior.
  • Kick out (Stop, stall, or disconnect suddenly):
    • The engine kicked out just as they were about to start the car.
    • They experienced technical difficulties that kicked out the internet connection.
    • He accidentally kicked out the power cord, causing the computer to shut down.
  • Kick up (Raise, to increase):
    • The company decided to kick up the price of their products.
    • They need to kick up their marketing efforts to attract more customers.
    • He expects the demand for the product to kick up during the holiday season.
  • Kick up (Show anger about something):
    • She tends to kick up a fuss whenever things don't go her way.
    • They kicked up a storm of complaints about the poor service.
    • He doesn't like confrontation and avoids kicking up unnecessary conflicts.
  • Kick up (Function improperly, to show signs of disorder; of an illness, to flare up):
    • The car's engine started to kick up strange noises.
    • They had to call a technician when the heating system kicked up an error.
    • She experienced allergies that would kick up during certain seasons.
Note: Practice using these Phrasal Verbs in your own sentences and share them in the comments section below. This will further enhance your understanding and fluency in English. Keep up the great work! Course Home
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