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Phrasal Verbs with Go: List I

Master essential Phrasal Verbs for effective communication. Explore their versatile meanings and contexts to enhance your English skills.
  • Go about (Deal with something):
    • She efficiently went about dealing with the issue at hand.
    • They need to go about managing their time more effectively.
    • How do you go about handling difficult customers?
  • Go about (Circulate):
    • The news of the party quickly went about among the students.
    • Rumors about their breakup went about the office.
    • The flu virus can go about easily in crowded places.
  • Go across (Move to another side or place):
    • We decided to go across the bridge to explore the other side.
    • He went across the street to buy some groceries.
    • They planned to go across the country on their road trip.
  • Go after (Pursue in an attempt to catch another):
    • The detective went after the criminal relentlessly.
    • She went after her dreams of becoming a successful artist.
    • He's determined to go after the championship title.
  • Go against (Violate; breach; break):
    • It is not advisable to go against the rules and regulations.
    • She chose to go against her parents' wishes and pursue her own path.
    • The decision goes against the principles of fairness and equality.
  • Go ahead (To begin):
    • You have our permission to go ahead and start the project.
    • Don't wait for me, just go ahead and order your food.
    • Feel free to go ahead and ask any questions you may have.
  • Go ahead with (To continue with something):
    • Despite the challenges, they decided to go ahead with the construction project.
    • The team voted to go ahead with the new marketing campaign.
    • After careful consideration, they chose to go ahead with the merger.
  • Go all out (Reserve nothing; to put forth all possible effort or resources):
    • They went all out to make the event a grand success.
    • She went all out in preparing for her final exam.
    • The company decided to go all out to win the contract.
  • Go along (Participate, cooperate, or conform):
    • If you want to succeed, you need to go along with the team's plans.
    • He decided to go along with his friend's suggestion.
    • She didn't really agree, but she chose to go along with the decision.
  • Go around (Move or spread from person to person):
    • The flu is going around the office, so be sure to wash your hands frequently.
    • The news of their engagement quickly went around the community.
    • Gossip tends to go around in small towns.
  • Go around (Share with everyone):
    • He went around offering snacks to everyone at the party.
    • She goes around sharing her knowledge and expertise with others.
    • Let's go around and collect donations for the charity.
  • Go at (Try to solve a problem a specific way; to undertake a task):
    • They went at the puzzle with determination, trying to solve it quickly.
    • He goes at his work with enthusiasm and dedication.
    • She decided to go at the project from a different angle.
  • Go away (Depart or leave a place):
    • It's time for me to go away and catch my flight.
    • He packed his bags and decided to go away for the weekend.
    • As the sun set, the crowd started to go away from the beach.
  • Go away (Travel somewhere, especially on holiday or vacation):
    • They plan to go away to Europe for their summer vacation.
    • She loves to go away to the mountains for a peaceful retreat.
    • We should go away and explore new destinations whenever we can.
  • Go away (Become invisible, vanish or disappear):
    • The magician made the rabbit go away with a wave of his hand.
    • As the fog cleared, the mysterious figure seemed to go away.
    • The dark clouds started to go away, revealing the clear blue sky.
    • Go back (Abandon, desert, betray, or fail someone or something):
      • He decided to go back on his promise and didn't show up for the meeting.
      • She regrets her decision to go back on her friendship with him.
      • The company's decision to cut corners will ultimately go back on their reputation.
    • Go before (To exist or happen in an earlier time):
      • These traditions go before our time; they have been passed down for generations.
      • The historical events discussed in the book go before the invention of electricity.
      • The architectural style of this building goes before the modernist movement.
    • Go below (Go below deck on a ship; to leave the top deck of a ship):
      • The passengers were asked to go below for safety during the storm.
      • As the waves grew stronger, the crew members went below to secure the cargo.
      • It's getting windy; we should go below to avoid the rough sea.
    • Go by (Pass or go past without much interaction):
      • As I was walking, I saw my neighbor go by without noticing me.
      • The days go by quickly when you're busy with work.
      • The train goes by this station every hour.
    • Go by (Be called, to use as a name):
      • He prefers to go by his nickname rather than his given name.
      • Many famous artists go by their stage names instead of their birth names.
      • The author decided to go by a pseudonym for their new book.
    Note: Practice using these Phrasal Verbs in your own sentences and share them in the comments section below. This will help reinforce your understanding and improve your fluency in English. Keep up the great work! Course Home
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