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Phrasal Verbs List with Get: Part II

Phrasal Verbs

Get down

Meaning 1: Duck or take cover, usually to avoid harm

  • When the storm approached, they quickly got down to avoid being hit by the flying debris.
  • The soldiers got down behind the barricades for protection during the gunfire.

Meaning 2: Leave the table after dining

  • After finishing their meal, they got down and left the restaurant.
  • Once they were done eating, the guests politely got down and thanked the host.

Meaning 3: Record in writing

  • She quickly grabbed a pen and notebook to get down all the important details.
  • The secretary diligently got down the minutes of the meeting.

Get down on


  • He got down on his employees for their lack of productivity.
  • The coach got down on the team for their poor performance.

Get down to

Start working seriously

  • After wasting time, he finally got down to studying for the exam.
  • They needed to get down to business and focus on completing the project.

Get in

Meaning 1: Get into or inside something, literally or figuratively

  • She got in the car and started the engine.
  • He managed to get in a few words during the heated debate.

Meaning 2: Enter a place; to gain access

  • They got in through the back entrance of the building.
  • He forgot his key and had to find another way to get in the house.

Meaning 3: Secure membership at a selective school

  • She was thrilled to get in to her dream university.
  • He worked hard to get in to the prestigious club.

Meaning 4: Be elected to some office

  • He campaigned tirelessly to get in as the class president.
  • She was surprised to get in as the new board member.

Get in with

Become involved or associated with

  • He managed to get in with the influential group.
  • She hoped to get in with the right people to advance her career.

Get into

Meaning 1: Move into an object, such that one ends up inside it

  • She got into the car and buckled her seatbelt.
  • He struggled to get into the tight jeans.

Meaning 2: Reach into an object

  • He got into his pocket and pulled out his wallet.
  • She opened the drawer and got into the documents.

Meaning 3: Become involved in a discussion, issue, or activity

  • They got into a heated argument about politics.
  • She didn't want to get into the details of her personal life.

Meaning 4: Enter an unfavorable state

  • His life started to get into a downward spiral after losing his job.
  • She didn't want to get into financial troubles by taking unnecessary risks.

Meaning 5: Make behave uncharacteristically

  • The party atmosphere got into him, and he started dancing on the table.
  • She felt the excitement of the crowd getting into her, and she sang with passion.

Get it

Be punished or scolded

  • He made a mistake and knew he would get it from his boss.
  • She was caught lying and expected to get it from her parents.

Get it on

Meaning 1: Have sex

  • They were attracted to each other and decided to get it on.
  • He invited her to his place, hoping they would get it on that night.

Meaning 2: Engage in a fight

  • The two rivals exchanged heated words and eventually got it on.
  • He didn't back down and was ready to get it on if necessary.

Meaning 3: Hurry up; to get a move on

  • We're running late. Get it on or we'll miss our flight!
  • They urged him to get it on so they could leave on time.

Get it together

To be well-organized and prepared

  • She needed to get it together before the important meeting.
  • He struggled with time management but eventually learned to get it together.
  • Get it over with

    Do or finish, especially said of something unpleasant

    • He just wanted to get it over with and complete the tedious task.
    • She couldn't wait to get it over with and move on to more enjoyable activities.

    Get it up

    Achieve a penile erection

    • He was embarrassed when he couldn't get it up in the intimate moment.
    • Some men may experience difficulty in getting it up due to various factors.

    Get off

    Move from being on top of (something) to not being on top of it

    • The cat got off the table when it heard a loud noise.
    • He got off the bike and walked the rest of the way.
    These are just a few examples of how the phrasal verbs "Get down," "Get down on," "Get down to," "Get in," "Get in with," "Get into," "Get it," "Get it on," "Get it together," "Get it over with," "Get it up," and "Get off" can be used. Remember to practice using them in different contexts to reinforce your understanding. Keep up the great work! Course Home
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