Phrasal Verbs List with Act

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Act on (Act decisively on the basis of information received or deduced): After receiving the urgent report, the CEO acted on the information immediately, making critical decisions to resolve the issue. The government promised to act on the recommendations of the expert panel to address the environmental concerns. The detective acted on a tip from a confidential source and successfully apprehended the suspect. Act on (Take action against something): The company decided to act on the counterfeit product issue by launching a nationwide campaign to raise awareness. The regulatory authorities are determined to act on any fraudulent activities within the financial sector. The police were instructed to act on any reports of vandalism in the neighborhood. Act on (Affect something): The sudden policy change by the government acted on the stock market, causing a significant drop in share prices. The extreme weather conditions acted on the crops, leading to a poor harvest this year. The medicine quic…
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