Memoirs of a Yellow Dog by O’Henry: Summary & Analysis


"Memoirs of a Yellow Dog," a short story published in 1906 by the American writer O. Henry, delves into themes of life's meaninglessness, empty emotions, and loveless marriages. Set in New York and focusing on the American middle class, the story is narrated from the perspective of a yellow dog. Through his memoir, the dog shares his observations of his owners, a fat lady and her husband, as well as his own experiences. He finds disdain for the fat lady's careless actions but holds affection for his master. As the narrative unfolds, the dog attempts to convey to his master the sense of futility in their lives, leading them both to leave the fat lady behind.

About the Author

William Sydney Porter, renowned by his pen name O. Henry, was an American writer known primarily for his remarkable short stories. In addition to his short fiction, he also dabbled in poetry and non-fiction works. Among his famous writings are "Cabbages and Kings," "The Gift of the Magi," "The Duplicity of Hargraves," and "The Ransom of Red Chief." O. Henry's literary style is characterized by his keen naturalist observations, skillful humor, and unexpected plot twists. His enduring legacy includes the prestigious O. Henry Award, presented annually to recognize exceptional achievements in the realm of short stories.

Summary of "Memoirs of a Yellow Dog"

The story commences with the narrative of a yellow dog, claiming that the only thing he knows for sure is that he was born a yellow puppy. While uncertain about his family history and birth details, he recalls being sold by an elderly woman on Broadway to a fat lady. The dog is treated like a pet by the fat lady but feels fondly cared for by the old woman.

Life with the Fat Lady

The yellow dog describes the flat of his owners, which is a typical New York house. The fat lady furnishes it with common items and antiques from 1903. He observes the mistress's indifference towards her husband, making him do the dishes and take the dog for evening walks. The fat lady's days consist of gossiping, overindulging, and observing the neighborhood from her windows. The dog spends his days observing her actions, fantasizing about outdoor adventures, and finding amusement in barking at other black dogs.

Parallels and Observations

The dog notices similarities between himself and the woman's husband when they walk together outdoors. However, during an evening promenade, he expresses bitterness to the husband about the fat lady's excessive kisses and questions why he tolerates it when he could enjoy her musical comedy without such affection.

A Curious Encounter

The conversation between the dog and the lady's husband sparks curiosity about animal communication. The husband wonders if the dog can speak but is criticized by the dog for not understanding his language. He reflects on the different comprehension strategies used by humans and animals, making true communication elusive.

Neighborhood Watch

The dog observes a lady across the street whose husband takes her black-and-tan terrier for evening walks. The terrier always returns home happily, intriguing the yellow dog. The yellow dog approaches the terrier to inquire about the secret behind his master's happiness.

Decisions and Changes

The fat lady instructs her husband to take the yellow dog, affectionately named "Lovey," for a walk one evening. The dog, sensing a change in the atmosphere and feeling mistreated, hesitates. After a candid conversation with the husband, the dog realizes the dissatisfaction in his master's life and decides to leave the fat lady behind.

A New Beginning

The husband renames the dog "Pete" and decides to embark on a new life with him in the "Rocky Mountains." The yellow dog finds happiness in this decision, feeling content with his new name and the prospect of a more fulfilling life with his master.

Analysis of "Memoirs of a Yellow Dog"

"Memoirs of a Yellow Dog" is a captivating narrative written from the perspective of the yellow dog, allowing the reader to connect intimately with the protagonist. The dog's use of humor and sarcasm adds a unique and entertaining dimension to the story. The author skillfully weaves the dog's observations, feelings, and fantasies together, providing a comprehensive view of the dog's life with the fat lady and her husband.

The Confinement of the Fat Lady

The story begins by portraying the fat lady as an eccentric pet owner who showers the yellow dog with affection and endearing names. Despite the fat lady's love, the dog feels trapped and longs for the freedom to be a genuine dog. Through the dog's perspective, the reader witnesses the emptiness and superficiality of the fat lady's life, where everything appears through rose-colored glasses, and the dog's appearance is glorified beyond reality.

Parallel Emotions

The yellow dog draws parallels between himself and the fat lady's husband, both feeling confined and unfulfilled in their lives. The husband's compliance with the fat lady's demands is mirrored in the dog's obedience to her. This commonality in their emotions becomes a pivotal moment in the story, where both realize their shared dissatisfaction and the possibility of change.

Freedom through Liberation

The dog's decision to influence his master's emotions by leading him to a bar and encouraging him to drink marks the turning point in the narrative. As the husband becomes drunk, he experiences a newfound sense of liberation, symbolized by the removal of the dog's collar. This moment represents a moment of shared freedom for both the dog and the husband, where they break free from their confinements and embrace a new beginning.

A Symbolic New Start

The renaming of the dog from "Lovey" to "Pete" marks the beginning of their new life together, where they leave the past behind and embark on a journey of freedom and fulfillment. The fat lady's happiness, built on appearances and superficiality, is traded for the genuine joy of her husband and dog.


"Memoirs of a Yellow Dog" delves into the theme of genuine connection and freedom in the lives of its characters. The dog's candid and humorous narration allows readers to empathize with his desire for authenticity and escape from confinement. The story's climax brings about a shared realization between the dog and the husband, leading to their liberation and the beginning of a new, more fulfilling chapter in their lives.

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