List of Phrasal Verbs with Answer

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Answer back (Reply impertinently; to talk back): Despite being reprimanded, the defiant student answered back to the teacher, causing further disciplinary action. When confronted about his behavior, he chose to answer back with disrespectful remarks. It's important to teach children not to answer back but instead express their concerns respectfully. Answer back (Reply to a question at a later time): I didn't have the answer at that moment, but I promised to answer back as soon as I found the information. The job candidate was asked a difficult question during the interview and was given time to answer back via email. The team leader requested everyone to think about the problem overnight and answer back with their proposed solutions the next morning. Answer for (Be held responsible for; to take the blame for something): As the project manager, you will have to answer for any mistakes made by your team. He was made to answer for his actions and faced the consequences of his …
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