Denial as Ego-defense Mechanism

1. Denial of reality is a straightforward self-defense mechanism. It involves distorting one's thoughts, feelings, or perceptions to avoid facing a traumatic situation. While similar to repression, denial generally operates at preconscious and conscious levels. Example 1: A person who is diagnosed with a serious illness refuses to believe the diagnosis and continues to live as if they are perfectly healthy, dismissing any medical evidence or advice that contradicts their belief. Example 2: A student who fails an important exam insists that the exam was unfair or biased, refusing to accept their own lack of preparation or effort as the cause of the failure. To further understand denial and its psychological implications, you may find the book "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl insightful. It explores the human capacity to cope with extreme circumstances and the role of denial in dealing with existential challenges. Movies that delve into denial as a defens…

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