The 370 GRE Words You Must Know: Passage 10

Table of Contents
The Dance of Words: A Glimpse into Life's Exposition Amidst the chaos of existence, where every decision can exacerbate (make worse) the delicate balance between triumph and failure, there lived a writer whose life was an exacting (challenging, demanding, grueling) quest for truth and meaning. Words were her tools, and the page her canvas. In her relentless pursuit of clarity and justice, she sought to exculpate (exonerate or vindicate) the downtrodden and voiceless. Their stories, burdened with the weight of injustice, became the catalyst for her words, an exigent (urgent or pressing) call to action. With every sentence she wrote, she aimed to exonerate (clear of charges of wrongdoing) the innocent, to dismantle the webs of deception that ensnared the truth. She would expatiate (elaborate on something in great detail) on the intricacies of their experiences, laying bare the raw emotions and unspoken struggles. In her pursuit of clarity, she sought to explicate (explain in detail) the…
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