The 370 GRE Words You Must Know: Passage 15

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The Dance of Shadows In the realm where light and darkness intertwine, some entities overshadow (to literally cast a shadow over) others, their presence looming large, engulfing the world in their enigmatic embrace. Yet, amidst the shadows, whispers of resilience and hope emerge. In the pursuit of perfection, we embark upon a painstaking (attentive to detail, meticulous) journey. Every brushstroke, every word, crafted with meticulous care, as we strive to bring forth a masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of the mundane. But beware the pitfalls of a partial (incomplete) perspective, for it blinds us to the multifaceted tapestry of existence. Let us not become mere partisans (devoted supporters of a group, cause, or person), confined within the walls of our own biases. Within the fabric of reality, there are truths that lie patent (blatant, obvious), waiting to be discovered by those who dare to see beyond the veils of illusion. Yet, such revelations are often shrouded in a paucity (…
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