The 370 GRE Words You Must Know: Passage 11

Table of Contents
The Tapestry of Words: A Journey through the Realm of Expression Within the labyrinthine corridors of the mind, where thoughts weave and perceptions entwine, there exists a realm where guile (craftiness and cunning) dances with truth and masks donned by reality begin to crumble. It is here that words transcend their mundane origins and embark on a quest to break free from the chains of the hackneyed (cliché, trite, banal). Amidst this tapestry of linguistic possibilities, there arises a voice, a resounding harangue (diatribe or rant) against the complacency that pervades society. An iconoclast (a person who attacks traditional religious and cultural institutions) emerges, challenging the status quo and shaking the very foundations of convention. Amidst the clamor of opposing ideologies, the pursuit of pleasure emerges as a guiding force, heralding the rise of hedonism . In this realm, pleasure becomes an art form, a testament to the human spirit's yearning for transcendence and gratif…
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