The 370 GRE Words You Must Know: Passage 20

Table of Contents
The Whimsical Zeal of Veracity In a world characterized by the volatilities (easily changeable or extreme) of opinions and the verbosity (long-windedness) of discourse, one individual stood steadfast in their pursuit of veracity (truth and factual accuracy). Amidst the vacillating (shifting between multiple options or opinions) currents of uncertainty, their commitment remained unwavering. Undeterred by the untenable (weak or unsupportable) arguments that pervaded the intellectual landscape, they embraced a whimsical (fanciful or capricious) approach to the pursuit of knowledge. Their voracious appetite for truth propelled them forward, even in the face of vexations (frustrations) and challenges. Their demeanor, though often perceived as unconventional, held an air of venerability (giving a high degree of respect) that bordered on reverence. Their passion, their zeal (passion or fervor), radiated from within, igniting a spark in those who encountered them. They were not driven by venalit…
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